4 Things to Know About Nerve Pain Treatment

4 Things to Know About Nerve Pain Treatment

Nerve pain or neuropathy is a debilitating condition that causes you to feel pain all over your body. This pain will prevent you from doing your daily activities especially when it is very severe. The pain comes as a result of damaged nerves. Nerves are responsible for sending pain sensations to your brain as a way of preventing injury. However, with this condition, the nerves just convey the pain sensations without any particular purpose. The condition can be as a result of diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and HIV or as a result of a physical injury. Other causes include alcoholism, heart disease, stroke and sometimes the condition develops for no reason. Irrespective of the cause, read this article on nerve pain treatment.

Treat the Underlying Disease

As mentioned, neuropathy can be as a result of various diseases. Whenever you feel as if you are experiencing such a pain, it is important that you go see your doctor.  The doctor will run some tests on you to ascertain the cause of your nerve pain. These tests will include MRI, CT scans and a check on your nerves. You can then have the underlying disease treated to help you manage your pain.

Nerve Pain Treatment

In addition to treating or managing the underlying causes, it is important that your physician check the condition on its own. This treatment is separate from the underlying disease leading to this cognition. You should know that in general, most doctors use the same kind of treatment for this condition irrespective of what causes it. So, you should not get alarmed if you are HIV negative and be treated in a manner in which a positive person is being treated.

Over the Counter Treatments

Apart from the specialized treatment you get from a physician, there are some over the counter solutions that you can use if your nerve pain is mild. Topical painkillers like ointments and creams can be used to relieve pain. These ointments and creams are applied to areas where you feel pain. They are good for immediate relief of pain in specific areas, but not for managing the underlying causes of the condition. Some people use painkiller pills to relieve occasional pain. These pills can help temporarily, but should not be used for more than 10 days. Most are not able to relieve intense nerve pain. Specialists advise that you should strictly follow your doctor’s advice and avoid relying too much on the painkillers.

Complementary Treatments

As we mentioned earlier, this condition can just occur without any underlying disease. You can use supplements, massage, and acupuncture among other complementary treatments to try and manage the pain. You must talk to your doctor first before including supplements to your diet to ensure that they do not interfere with your treatment. You might also want to incorporate some lifestyle changes and maybe start exercising and meditating as well as reduce or stop your alcohol intake and smoking. The healthier you are, the easier managing this condition becomes. 


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