DIY Living Rooms: 5 Inspiring DIY Ideas for Redecorating Your Living Room

DIY Living Rooms: 5 Inspiring DIY Ideas for Redecorating Your Living Room
Pouf and wooden table in modern living room with painting above grey corner couch. Real photo

If you’re a home entertainer, then the living room is your stage. It’s an ideal spot to showcase your creativity and make sure your guests have a good time. If your living room is looking drab, it may be time for a makeover.

Many people are initially put off by the idea of DIY living rooms because of the expected price. However, there are several ways to add personal touches that cost little to no money but have a big impact.

Inexpensive Ideas for DIY Living Rooms

The point of DIY is to save money and make something your own. Your living room should be a reflection of who you are and how you want to be seen.

Depending on how intense you want to be with your decor, you can change anything from the furniture to the paint.


While you may not even notice the color of the room anymore, your first-time guests will. The paint on the wall is the background of the room and has a major effect on how it feels.

Light colors make a room feel larger and more open. When you see light blue, you think of the open sky. Take advantage of this to help a cramped room open up.

Dark colors have the opposite effect. A nice dark palette makes your space feel cozy and close. If you want a more intimate feeling, then consider a dark grey or brown.

Create a Cohesive Style

Take note of your furniture and appliances. That couch from your grandmother was free, but it clashes with your modern style.

Try to pick one style and work around it. Modern tables and chairs can make a living room feel more minimalistic and chic. Rustic furniture can make a room feel like a cozy cabin.

Heck, go all out and just bring in some patio furniture for a real outdoors feel.

Luckily, you don’t have to toss out your old furniture for a new look. Just buy some wholesale fabric and reupholster the couch yourself.

Light It Up

Light sources have a similar effect as paint in how open the room feels. A bright room feels bigger and more open, while a dimmer room brings guests closer.

Choose light sources that match the rest of the living room decor. A corner lamp is good for a dim room and makes it feel small. You can also use a low wattage bulb to really keep it dark.

For brighter rooms, open blinds can often be enough. Natural light coming in through a window is as open as it gets. Otherwise, you can use high wattage bulbs in a ceiling mounted light.

Get Artsy

Try your hand at painting and add your own art to the walls. There aren’t many more DIY projects as fulfilling as making your living room a gallery of your work. If you doubt your artistic talent, you can always find bargains at yard sales.

Choose paintings that match the style of the room. Landscape art makes for an open feel, while abstract pieces add a nice look to closed rooms. Just don’t put up too many clown paintings if you want your guests to come back.

Bring In Some Life

Plants serve two purposes: they look great and show that you can keep something alive in your house. A large potted plant in the corner can make the inside feel like the outside, while a small plant on the coffee table adds a nice touch of color.

Just don’t forget to water it. Unless you’re going for a haunted house vibe, dead plants rarely impress.

It’s Your Space

There’s so much that can be done with DIY living rooms that the only limit is your creativity. Check out our other decor and design articles for more tips on making a space your own!


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