10 Common Newborn Health Issues to Be Aware of

10 Common Newborn Health Issues to Be Aware of

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If you’re expecting a newborn soon or are currently raising one, then it’s important to understand that babies are especially vulnerable to the world. They pick up infections very easily, they can suffer a range of different health issues at an early stage and they’re often defenseless without our help. This means that parents need to be especially careful about how their child reacts to certain situations and it’s important to monitor your newborn for changes that could be a sign of a disease or condition that may affect their health in the long run.

To help you out, we’ve put together a list of 10 common newborn health issues that you absolutely need to be aware of.

Constant Fevers

Fever is a sign that your child’s body is fighting against an infection. Most infections won’t require intervention, but if your child is experiencing constant fevers then it could be a sign of a serious underlying condition especially if their temperature is much higher than normal. Medical treatment is available depending on the cause, so don’t hesitate to get in touch with your doctor as soon as possible.

Dry Skin Patches

If you notice dry red patches of skin on your child then there’s a good chance that it could be atopic dermatitis, otherwise known as eczema. This is a fairly common skin condition that can be treated without a prescription. There are many articles on the internet such as this one from  https://www.mustelausa.com/will-baby-eczema-improve that will help you understand the condition in more detail and also offer treatment advice. While it’s not a very pleasant condition, it can certainly be dealt with in a quick and easy fashion.

Skin Conditions

In addition to atopic dermatitis, it’s common for children to show signs of other skin conditions such as diaper rash (sensitive red skin around the diaper area) and cradle cap (a case of dandruff that can spread to other parts of the body but is not contagious. Although very unsightly, these two conditions can be treated if the root cause is dealt with. For instance, preventing diaper rash involves managing your newborn’s hygiene and ensuring the diaper area is dry before fitting on a new one.

Consistent Vomiting

Newborns vomiting is a common sight especially if you neglect to help your child burp. However, if the color of the vomit is tinted green then it can be caused by a serious issue. Speaking to your doctor may help you reveal underlying issues such as lactose intolerance or a digestive problem.

Persistent Crying

If your infant is crying on a very regular basis with seemingly no breaks then it could be a sign of colic. This is a common problem that often has no obvious cause but can be linked to your baby feeling discomfort. To remedy this, it’s important to comfort your child and gently rock them back and forth or by giving them a warm bath. Your doctor may suggest changes in their diet to assist with colic and it often disappears entirely after around 6 months.

10 Common Newborn Health Issues to Be Aware of

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Blue Skin

It’s actually very common for newborns to exhibit a blue tint in their hands and feet due to their developing circulation which is still learning to carry blood to all the right places. However, if their lips are showing blue tints, then it’s an issue that should be taken seriously because it could be an underlying issue caused by heart problems or a breathing issue. This article at https://www.webmd.com/parenting/baby/blue-skin-in-babies will give you more information about the causes of blue skin in your child and explain when you should be concerned.


Diarrhoea can be a common issue in newborns due to the way they react to certain foods and medications. In order to avoid this, make sure your newborn is well-hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids and monitor if their stools change in color or texture. Constipation is also very common in infants and newborns and shouldn’t be a cause for concern. However, if they experience diarrhoea on a regular basis, then you may need to speak to your doctor for advice.

Breathing-Related Issues

Newborns tend to be very light sleepers and this might cause you to be concerned about their respiratory issues, but most of the time, this isn’t something that you should be too worried about. It can take a while for your newborn baby to grow accustomed to their breathing systems, but if their lips have a slight blue discoloration or if they’re wheezing and grunting even when not sleeping, then it can be caused by a respiratory issue that you should speak to your doctor about.

Birth Injuries

Birth injuries are often caused by a difficult labor process and can often leave your newborn with certain birth injuries such as damaged bones, muscle weakness and marks on their body. However, if the doctor has examined your baby and deemed nothing is wrong before allowing you to take your baby home, then there’s usually nothing to be concerned about. This means that your newborn will likely recover quickly from those said conditions and even if there is scarring or marks on their body, it’s nothing to be concerned about and it will heal over time. However, if the marks are persistent and not disappearing, then it’s worth speaking to your doctor for clarification and to re-examine your newborn’s condition.


Jaundice is the yellowing of skin and eyes. This actually happens very often in infants, but if it persists after the three-week mark, then it’s a cause for concern and it’s very important to speak to your pediatrician for advice. In most cases, jaundice will disappear at around the two-week mark and is nothing to be worried about.

Hopefully, this article has explained some of the most common newborn health issues that you should be aware of. Not all of these are immediately threatening, but it’s vital to speak to your pediatrician if you’re concerned about the health and wellbeing of your child.


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