5 Great Spring Party Ideas

5 Great Spring Party Ideas

The cold days are almost over, spring is nearing and what does that mean? That means that we will be able to have parties outdoors once again. Why not celebrate the season of awakening, the season of new beginnings, the season where everything starts to flourish? Aren’t we all tired of the dreadful dark and cold? Well, if you are, take a look at these five great spring party ideas!

Go for bright colors

Spring is all about the celebration. Flowers are in bloom, people are spending more and more time outside and the temperatures are rising. The colors are suddenly becoming more vibrant. Well, no matter the theme of your spring party, you should go for a bright color scheme. Know that light pastel colors always go great with spring. Yellow, pink, lavender, green, these and more of the bright colors can never look bad during spring.

Hawaii vibes

What comes to your mind when you hear ‘Hawaii’? People usually instantly think of nice weather, beaches, Dwayne the Rock Johnson and tiki drinks. And it does sound nice. It looks even better when we imagine what it must be like during spring in Hawaii. Why don’t you bring some of that spirit to your own home by throwing a themed spring party? Yes, the theme should revolve around this magical place. Greet sun with ‘Aloha’, buy pineapples, find pink flamingos (not the real ones of course) and serve drinks in tiki cups. Celebrate the better weather that’s coming.

Go for bright colors – in food!

Yes, yes, yes, you need to spice things up with food too! Get creative and involve bright colors in your party food! Plan out the menu and make it as diverse as possible. Bring in the fruits! Mix it up and throw in colors like blue, red, yellow, green, etc. One idea is to include meringue wreath since it not only tastes nice but it also looks really beautiful and some may even mistake it for festive décor! And don’t stop there. Put your wits to it and figure out more ways to color it up! Psst, you can even include punch drink for your party.

Flower as a theme

Oh yes, when someone mentions spring, flowers must come to your mind. Flowers are in bloom and besides having them in your backyard or in your house, why don’t you make them a theme of your whole party? Make flower cupcakes, make dozens of snacks that look like flowers and place them on a table for a stunning and tasty bouquet! Some grocery stores even have fruits carved out to look like flowers, so that could also be something you might want to look into before your party. Just don’t make the food look too much like the real flowers, you don’t want your guests eating your roses from the garden.

Strawberry fields forever

Even though the song of the Beatles that goes by the name of Strawberry Fields Forever doesn’t really have much to do with real strawberries, your party has to have something red. If you can’t find strawberries in your local stores, at least you can buy strawberry popsicles! If it’s already too hot during spring where you live, popsicles will be a great way for your guests to chill down. If you can also buy strawberries that are good and tasty, well, that’s perfect! Oh and if you can, make your own popsicles but involve some booze. Of course, this idea is for adults only! To complete the theme, you can decorate the venue with items that are colored red, or with memorabilia and art pieces with a strawberry fields art tribute painting as the focal piece. You may also choose to give out strawberry fields forever-inspired gifts and merchandise to your guests if you so desire.


You can combine these ideas, take something out of each one and feature it on your spring party! This season is really worth celebrating because life seems so much better then. Nature is waking up and that’s a really good reason to celebrate!



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