Social Media Before, During, and After Your Divorce

Social Media Before, During, and After Your Divorce

Nearly 3 billion people globally use some type of social media to connect on personal and/or business needs, and that number has almost tripled since 2010. Social media can be a wonderful boost for social and professional goals. And prior to marriage, it can even help connect people with romantic interests and potentially even the love of their life. When it comes to dealing with divorce, however, 30% of divorce cases cite Facebook alone as a reason for filing. That may be quite low considering 75% of Americans believe sexual intimacy with anyone other than their partner is actually cheating, but the definitions of that in the digital age are all over the board. Nonetheless, regardless of whether social media played a part in the breakdown of your marriage, there’s some basic advice to consider and implement during and after your divorce.

During Divorce Proceedings:

Pay Close Attention to Picture Posting

The holidays, specifically, offer plenty of options to socialize with friends and new connections. This is especially the case for those who are newly single or about to be. However, why it may seem like a fun notion to rub your perceived happiness in your ex’s face, the party girl or guy routine can have the opposite effect and negatively affect your divorce case or even your custody options.

Avoid Ex Aggression and Watch What Your Friends Post

Your thoughts and feelings are your own, but when they’re shared with others or online, they can get back to your ex. Moreover, they can get back to your ex’s Michigan divorce attorney. The same is true for “friends” who may post negativity or slander on your behalf. Be careful posting negativity regarding parental duties as well. Watch what you and your friends say to avoid it coming back to bite you during the divorce proceedings.

Reinvent Your Reputation But Don’t Boast or Brag

Depression and divorce go hand-in-hand, but this is a great time to reinvent yourself or at least reboot your reputation. Focus on posting positive messages, especially those reflecting your inner strength and positive life changes. But avoid bragging about new purchases or romantic conquests.

After the Divorce Is Finalized:

Don’t Stalk Or Block Your Ex

Post-breakup depression can cause anyone to go down the rabbit hole and stalk their ex for a while. However, stalking is counterproductive to the positive changes awaiting your new life. Not to mention, there can be potential legal ramifications if you log into their accounts without permission. Blocking is an easy and popular option but if the split was amicable or kids are involved, try to avoid that to ensure the future connection remains amicable. You can unfollow your ex just as easily until the emotions balance.

Enlist a Snitch

Enlist a friend you trust to do the checking and snitching for you but only where negativity on your behalf is involved. Simple comments may not matter, but if your ex lashes out and posts sensitive or embarrassing pictures or private information of yours around the web, your friend can report that info to you and your ex can be held accountable for that. If you act quickly enough, the info can also be removed before your kids, family members or employer discover it.

Follow Helpful Reinforcements

Social media offers the opportunity to connect with countless new friends and resources across the globe, and that can be especially helpful when dealing with divorce. The new connections may help reduce stress, encourage strength, and boost your confidence. Some connections may even lead to new career opportunities or invaluable friendships which can improve your life in countless ways. If you need more suggestions or advice, your Michigan divorce attorney is just a call away.


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