Hot Tips for Taking Care of Your Tape-In Hair Extensions

Hot Tips for Taking Care of Your Tape-In Hair Extensions

By taking your time to care for your tape-in hair extensions each day, you can expect them to have a long, healthy lifespan.  Your tape-in hair extensions are like your regular, natural hair, and they require the same amount of care and upkeep.  Unlike your natural hair, however, your extensions are rather delicate, so it’s critical you take your time when cleaning and caring for your hair.

Your tape-in hair extensions don’t have the same perks as your natural hair.  Tape-in hair extensions don’t have the luxury of the natural oils and nutrients that your normal hair enjoys, so by practicing a regular care routine, you can provide your tape-in hair extensions what they need to look and feel good.

Basic Rules to Live By

When cleaning your hair extensions, wash them in one direction, beginning at the top and ending at the bottom.  You can shower with your tape-in hair extensions, and in fact, this is the recommended method.  You don’t want to wash your hair in the sink with your extensions flipped over because this could unintentionally damage them.

You’ll want to make sure your extensions avoid becoming tangled.  When you brush your hair, it is advisable that you start at the bottom and work your way up, the opposite of how you would wash them.  This method keeps the brush or comb from stretching or ripping out individual strands.

Careful When Wet

First and foremost, don’t comb or brush your tape-in hair extensions while your hair is wet!  Hair, in general, is much weaker when it is dry, and you don’t want to yank your brush or comb through the delicate strands when they are in this state or you could risk damaging your tape-ins.

Try to wash your hair right after swimming.  For salt-water scenarios, some recommend to avoid going into the water with a braid.  Instead, opt to wear your hair down because the salt can remove the moisture out of the tape-in hair extensions and cause them to tangle.

The best thing you can do for your wet hair extensions, especially if you shower before bed, is to create a loose braid for while you sleep.  Your tape-in hair extensions will stay tangle-free, without being pulled or tossed around in their sensitive state.

Yes, You Can Give Your Tape-ins Too Much Love

This tip may be surprising to some who are new to wearing tape-in hair extensions, but it’s true and definitely something to watch out for when you are engaging in your care routine.  Of course, you’ll want to use high quality products for cleaning and styling your hair, but applying them too often can result in build up and tangling. 

Use the Right Products

Be sure to use products for your tape-in hair extensions that do not contain oil, ethanol, or alcohol, as these ingredients can cause damage to your hair extensions and break down the adhesive for your tape-ins.  Sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner is a must when cleaning your hair and any products that are certified as 100% natural. 

Moisture is the number one thing to think about when selecting the right product for your tape-ins.  Products that advertise taking out chlorine or product build-up shouldn’t be used because you could wind up zapping your tape-ins of all of their essential moisture.  Keep in mind that spray-in conditioners and glossifiers are going to be your best friend!  With their no-touch application, they make it easy to keep up your care routine.

Think Before You Heat

While yes, you can use applied heat and heat tools to your tape-in hair extensions, you might want to consider heat protectant spray before you put the curling iron to your wefts.  Styling your tape-in extensions are what they’re there for, but by using a protectant, you can extend their lifetime and enjoy them for much longer. 

Also, before you whip out your flat iron for a perfect, 1960s glam girl look, remind yourself to avoid going directly against the tape tabs.  The last thing you want to do is to weaken the adhesive that’s responsible for bonding your tape-in hair extensions to your natural hair!


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