Advantages & Disadvantages of Metal Roofs

Advantages & Disadvantages of Metal Roofs

According to a arlington roofing company, of the many choices in roofing material, metal roofs are one tried and true option that have seemed to endure for decades, particularly in certain parts of the country. So, why do so many homeowners choose to have metal roofs installed on their home, or purchase homes with metal roofs? Read on to find out.

Metal Roofing Advantages

Metal roofs are a great choice for any homeowner looking for high energy efficiency, a recyclable option, durability, lightweight material, and unique style.

Energy Efficiency

With the proper insulation, metal roofs are wonderful for retaining heat in the interior of the home during winter, which helps keep heating costs lower; and reflecting the sun’s rays in the summer, helping to prevent the interior of the home from heating up.


Unlike asphalt shingle roofs, which are pretty difficult to recycle after it’s been used on a roof, metal roofs are easy to recycle once it’s lifetime on the house is over.


Metal roofs last an incredibly long time, about 3 to 6 times longer than a traditional asphalt roofs. Many metal roofs have been known to last 50 to 100 years. Its longevity rests in the durability of the material, which is highly resistant to corrosion, rust, or other damages.

While asphalt shingle roofs can be prone to leaking over time, you’ll be lucky if you ever find a metal roof that springs a leak here or there.

Lightweight Material

Metal roofs are pretty lightweight, which makes installation a simple process. There’s no need to worry about your home’s ability to withstand the weight of a metal roof since it’s a lighter option than asphalt shingles.

Unique Style

Metal roofs come in a variety of options such as aluminum, zinc, tin, and a variety of colors to match the aesthetic of your home’s exterior. Common colors are black, green, red, and blue. Metal roofs can come in the form of slates/shingles, tiles, shakes, vertical paneling, or large sheets.

Metal Roofing Disadvantages

High Upfront Cost

Asphalt tends to be a more popular option for roofing because it is so much cheaper than metal roofs. While you’ll be saving more money up front, metal roofs last much longer. So, while you’re paying again for a new roof twenty five years down the line, a metal roof will still be going strong.


Some minimal denting can occur with metal roofs only after extremely large hailstones. Normal storms will not damage a metal roof.

Unique Look

Not everyone loves the look of a sheet metal roofing, especially if it’s in a color that isn’t typically found on a roof. So if you plan on reselling, make sure a metal roof is an option that will only help your home’s resale value.

Metal roofing has always been an attractive option for many homebuilders because of its durability, longevity, eco-friendly attributes, energy-efficiency, and downright good looks. However, it can be costly to install. If you are considering a metal roof keep in mind these pros and cons before making your final decision.


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