6 Tricks to Help You Fall Asleep Faster and Longer

6 Tricks to Help You Fall Asleep Faster and Longer

Does it ever seem like bedtime is the only time when you’re not tired? You thought you were tired, but as soon as your head hits the pillow, your mind races.

We’ve all been there. In truth, our minds sometimes do work against us. And the more we allow it to occur, the more it seems to happen. Think of your diet and lifestyle as fuel. If you’re doing the wrong things, it’s like you’re encouraging stress and anxiety. If you’re doing the right things, you’re encouraging peace and tranquility.

With that said, your ability to go to sleep and stay asleep has a lot to do with the choices you make throughout your day.

Here are 6 tips to help you fall asleep faster and longer.

  1. Cut out bad habits

If you’re drinking alcohol at nighttime to help you “wind down,” it’s time to stop. Drinking prior to bed might help you get to sleep faster, but it actually interferes with your sleep throughout the night. This is why you usually don’t feel rested after a night of drinking, even if you had a full 8 hours. If you want to sleep well, cut out alcohol completely. If that is more of a challenge than you thought, it might be time to seek alcohol treatment to help you make this decision easier.

Also, if you’re drinking too much caffeine, especially late in the day, stop. This could interfere with your ability to drift off to dreamland.

  1. Eat a balanced diet

If you’re deficient in certain nutrients, it may be contributing to your ability to sleep. Nutrients that can help you get a restful night’s sleep are vitamins D and B12, iron and magnesium.

Instead of supplementing, consider adding more leafy greens to your diet and getting more sunshine.

  1. Drink enough water

Water helps your body flush out toxins, and if you’re experiencing a toxic overload, it may interfere with sleep. Do yourself a favor and try to drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water throughout the day.

  1. Turn off the television an hour before bed

Television and technology can stimulate the mind at a time when you should be winding down. Turn off the TV and set your electronic devices aside at least an hour before you plan to go to bed.

  1. Create a bedtime routine

Instead of watching television or playing on your phone, plan to do something relaxing before bed. You may take a bath, read a good book or meditate to get yourself relaxed and ready for bed.

  1. Find out how much sleep you need

Most experts recommend getting 8 hours of sleep each night, but that’s a general recommendation. In reality, we’re all different and some may need more or less sleep. Start by getting at least 8 hours of sleep each night for a week. If you find you’re waking up before your alarm, cut it back in 15-minute increments until you find the right balance.

With these simple adjustments, you can get better sleep every night.


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