How to grow succulents from a cutting

How to grow succulents from a cutting

Purchasing new flowers and seeds every year to keep your garden looking perfect can be an expensive business. After all, the flower business alone in the US was worth £4,370 million in 2015.

Fortunately you don’t need to spend a fortune on replacing your flowers and rebuilding your garden every year. Just by following the steps below you’ll be able to grow succulents from a cutting and have as many of these in your garden as you wish!

Step 1 – Plant Control

The first step to growing succulents from a cutting is to ensure you have strong and healthy plants. This can be achieved by monitoring their watering, the quality if the soil and, most importantly; the weeds.

Weeds take valuable nutrients from plants; you need to get rid of weeds to ensure your plants are healthy.

The same is true when you are growing succulents; keep the weeds well away!

Step 2 – Remove The Cutting

It’s a good idea to prune plants that have become too ‘leggy’. Start by selecting the rosette and then carefully remove all the leaves below this. It is best to wiggle them from one side to another to remove.

You can then snip your rosette; you’ll need a short stem. Take as many cuttings as you can; more than you want in case some do not flourish.

Step 3 – Preparing The Rosette

Place all your cuttings onto an empty tray and leave them for several days to dry. The exposed ends should look calloused; they will now be ready for planting!

Step 4 – Planting Your Cuttings

It is possible to plant the cuttings straight into soil. However, most people prefer to put a little water in a shallow tray and then place the cuttings on the base. The aim is to keep the base of the cuttings moist; not wet.

Within a few days you should see the new roots starting to emerge. At this point you can move them to a shallow tray with soil in the base.

Do not over water. It will take a few weeks before the cuttings have a good network of roots. You may prefer to mist them lightly every few days.

Step 5 – Replant

Now that your plant has a good set of roots you’ll be able to remove them from the shallow tray and replant them into a pot or the garden as you wish.

You’ll then need to monitor it to ensure it has enough water and nutrients while keeping the weeds away.

Important Note: Some plants actually produce small plants ready for replanting. These will be visible at the base of the plants. When you can see these it is okay to snip them near the base of the main plant. It is best to twist gently as you snip to minimize the harm to the main plant. The great thing is that this actually helps the health of your plant!

You can then follow the above steps to get these cuttings to grow successfully.


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