Don’t Accept How High Your Heating Bills Are

Don't Accept How High Your Heating Bills Are windows with shutters

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It’s one of the life’s annoying things, but it’s a fact that homes can colder, much quicker than they get warmer. Heating your home may account for up to 60% or more of your household energy consumption. It’s not really the television, your laptop or room lights that hog all the energy, it’s the central heating systems that heat up the entire home. Realistically, it’s a war of attrition, because each air molecule, needs to be heated one at a time, and that’s why heating systems are left on for so long. While trying to keep your home warm enough, you should realise, that by the morning or next evening, your home is going to be cold again. It’s every bill payer’s nightmare, to have to continuously put the heating on to stop from shivering or putting on more uncomfortable layers. But fear not, there are ways you can keep your warm in your home, for longer and cheaper.

Curtains in window frame

Apart from the attic, heat is lost through your windows. Each window in your home will have an air release, so that moisture doesn’t build up to an amount that can cause a green mold to form on the inside. Bacteria can lodge itself in the mold, and then go on to cause breathing problems, so you must keep that little latch open. What you can do, to keep the heating from escaping out the little cracks and the nooks and crannies of your windows, is to curl your curtains onto the windowsill. By doing this, you’re blocking the warm air, which is lighter and moving faster due to the low pressure, from escaping. You can also buy thicker curtains to hang during the colder parts of the year and make the curling blocking even more effective.

Hot showers at any time

Yes, it’s 2017, and still many people live without hot water at their disposal. It can take a long time to heat up your water if you want to take a shower spontaneously. It’s all well and good to have your water timed in sync with your boiler to heat your water up at a certain schedule, but it doesn’t leave you with a lot of options. You can, therefore, install a hot water heater, so you can have hot showers and baths, whenever you want to. For more helpful plumbing tips go to if you want to know how you can install one of these in your home, in 6 easy steps. You’ll find lots of great information to help you build such a device, with thorough explanations on pipes, taps, pressure systems, etc.

Don't Accept How High Your Heating Bills Are woman in kitchen with shoes

Photo credit – Free-Photos

Carpets and rugs

Hardwood floors won’t be the best to keep heat in your home, in fact, they might be one of the problems sucking the heat out. Wood is very insulative, but since hardwood is dense and varnished, so the outer layer is protected, the heat essentially slips through the gaps. Consider laying down carpet if you want to trap the heat in your rooms. You may find similar results by buying a rug to put in large spaces, which can also absorb the heat in the home.

You don’t have to sit and take it, by watching money fly out of your pocket. Commit yourself to changing your home, so the heat that you pay for stays inside your home for longer. Sometimes the best correction is the simplest, so think about using your curtains in a tactical fashion. Flooring is very important as the large surface area absorbs and steals the heat away. There’s nothing like a hot shower at the end to warm your organs and bones, so consider a water heater for your home.


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