5 Ideas To Give Your Home A New Look

5 Ideas To Give Your Home A New Look

If you are living in a high-end place, such as Singapore, you probably had the difficulty giving the place a revamp, especially when you choose among the different themed home interiors in the city-state. But, did you know that you can already style the inside of your house without spending too much money? This way will ensure that whatever you do will not hurt your financial stability and will also give the interior of your house a new look!

Here are ways to help you style your house in a cheap and affordable way!

#1. Upgrade Your Walls

Are your walls colored using neutral colors? While some do this for it to become a safe choice, eventually, the colors will take the life and vividness away from the house. When this happens, you can do something that will liven up the place. If you have spare plates that are never used, you can use them to design your walls! By arranging them in a design that you love, you’ll not only cancel out the dullness of your walls but you’ll also love looking at it! Here’s a tip: use a larger plate as the center part of the arrangement to add style to the design!

white interior coffee table for home

#2. From Table to Unique Display

Do you want to change the coffee table in your living room? Have you used it for a good time, and now, you want to change the look of your living room? Well, before throwing away your old coffee table, you can use it as a unique display for your house! By pushing it against a table and leaving it there, you can add something in your house that exudes finesse. When you put books on top of the table you’ll be saving space, and at the same time, you’ll be an artsy twist inside your house.

#3. Dressing Up A Dresser

If you’re a parent, and you’re mindful of your child’s room; you can do this simple trick. Whenever you’re celebrating the holidays or having a birthday party, don’t throw out the ribbons used for the gifts and other knick-knacks. Collect them, then tie the ribbons around the handles of your child’s dresser. This will really liven up the room and your child will probably love it just because it’s something they’ve never seen before.

You can also do this for your dressers as well! If you want to let your inner child come out and design your room, this is a surefire way to keep you preoccupied and it’ll also up the design game of your old and boring dresser!

hyacinth flower blossom for new home

#4. Salt and Pepper Vases

When you’re having trouble on where to put your newly bought flowers, worry no more! This tip will help you with that predicament. By using your spare salt and pepper shakers as vases, you’ll have something where you can put the flowers in! Also, this’ll give your plants a unique vase that’ll add style and a little bit of elegance anywhere you put the vase.

#5. Quilt Headboard

Do you have a bed that’s just too plain for your tastes? You can solve that if you have a quilt just lying around your house! Hang the quilt over your headboard, and voila! You’ll be giving your plain, old, and boring bed some character. It’ll also keep you warm on those extremely cold days!

There’s no limit when you’re designing your house using stuff that are just lying around. The only thing you’ll have trouble with is with your imagination. By getting a clear image on what you want to do to the unused stuff around your house, you’re going to be designing your house in the most appropriate way you deem fit!

About the Author:

laurel santos guest authorLaurel Santos may be a 24 year old adult but at her core she is just a little girl full of wonder. She lives in the city and works as a freelance photographer in the Philippines. She manages a small pet shop inside her village. She has a big heart for animals, especially stray dogs. She is an avid traveller because she believes that life is not lived within the borders of your own home.  Despite her busy schedule she always finds time to do one thing that she is very passionate about and that is writing.


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