7 Excellent backyard activities for kids


Do you have kids? Do they often complain they are bored, especially during summer vacations? Even when they have school, they feel they don’t have much to do after coming home. If your kid doesn’t go to school yet, keeping them busy and entertained is challenging. Isn’t it? However, the answer is in your backyard. The backyard is perfect for setting up and playing games with the kids. There are activities that your kids can enjoy to their hearts’ desire in their backyard. Also, you can join them for some fun games during time off from work to enjoy and bond with them.

What are these activities, you wonder? Read below to find out the fun activities for kids.

Make them a summer stage for the theater.

Kids always love to enact, especially without an audience. So, use no-sew theater curtains to make curtains and hang them on a rope. Use clips to ensure it’s easy to take the curtains up or down. If you have more than one kid, ask them to write a play using their imagination and enact it in front of the family. (You can offer help when they need it). Or they can invite their friends who live nearby. This way, they bond strongly with their friends or kids living down the street. Moreover, using their creativity to write a story helps them learn the art of imagination while keeping them busy.

Get them a cubby house.

A cubby house is a personal space replicating a house you can put in the backyard. There are many types of cubby houses available. You can get the one that fits well into the backyard and will intrigue your kids. There are even kitchen cubby houses or wooden ones.

A child can use it as their home and engage in imaginative play. In addition, you can buy a cubby house online at an affordable price.

Blow bubbles

A fun activity all kids will enjoy. To create bubbles, use a plastic pitcher or glass and fill it with a few drops of liquid soap.

Now, add 3/4th water to it and give the kids a straw. Ask them to blow on the straw in the backyard. The bubbles will come, and kids can even follow them for a fun game. Adding food coloring to the mix is also an option, which gives a nice effect. However, note that this game is only for kids above three. They know how to blow. Thus, ensuring they won’t suck in the soap water.

Water balloon fight

A perfect activity for siblings, which engages them in a fun way. Blow some balloons, add water to them, and secure it with a plastic band. If your kids want to join in this, let them. Otherwise, give them water balloons to play with in the backyard. They can throw it on each other and try to save themselves from exploding water. It is so fun and will keep them entertained for a long time.

Have a picnic

Want to have an activity as a family? Then have a picnic in your backyard. Lay down a blanket, cook some simple foods, like sandwiches or fries, and enjoy. Let the kids run around playing ball and join them. A perfect activity that you can do on weekends while school is on. It gives you time to catch up with each other and listen to anything you might have missed. Of course, having a picnic in a nearby garden is an incredible option if you don’t have a backyard.


You can install a trampoline in your backyard. Kids can jump in it and have so much fun. It’s an exciting activity, as jumping or running is the favorite game for most kids. Ensure you follow the rules of the trampoline to avoid any mishaps.

Chalkboard fun

Install a chalkboard outside in the backyard. Give them chalk and let them play teacher-teacher with friends or siblings. 

If you don’t have a backyard, don’t fret! You can enjoy most of these activities in a garden. Also, when the children use their cubby house or trampoline, keep an eye out for them. Also, encourage them to use their imagination to develop new activities in the backyard.


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