6 Food Items To Help You Have A Healthy Gut

6 Food Items To Help You Have A Healthy Gut

One of the most frequently overlooked aspects of our health is linked to our stomach and what goes on inside it. Gradually changing lifestyles and diets make us forget that some foods are harder on the belly than others.

Here is a list of six gut-friendly foods to get started. To read more about the best foods for optimal gut health check out Zuma Nutrition’s article that explains 9 quick and easy ways to improve gut health in 30 days.

Extra virgin olive oil

Eliminating oils and fats from your daily diet is neither realistic nor very nourishing. The key is to replace all kinds of oil in food with the richness of unsaturated fats that is olive oil. Studies have shown us that olive oil has a positive effect on digestive microbiome which means it is antibacterial and reduces the risk of chronic stomach diseases and stomach cancer.


This plant-based food might not be popular among all people but its benefits can’t be refuted when it comes to gastrointestinal health and its protection. The credit of broccoli’s digestive benefits mostly goes to its fiber-rich plant body and maintenance of bacterial levels in the guts.

Broccoli contains chemical compounds such as ICZ that protect intestines from inflammation and reduces the probability of colon cancer.


Papaya is a tropical fruit that is sweet, soft and easy to digest. Papain is a digestive enzyme found in papaya that is most effective in breaking down protein fibers during digestion. It can be used as a main digestive supplement if your diet includes high amounts of proteins.

Papaya also eases irritable bowel movements and helps aid a constipated or bloated stomach. It’s readily available in grocery stores and widely recommended by dieticians for a healthy gut.


Kombucha is a type of tea that goes through the process of fermentation to produce a culture of bacteria and yeast. It is produced using a “tea-fungus” or a symbiotic mushroom. It is flavored with fruit juices, ginger, honey, and other spices to turn it into a sweetened beverage.

It may have slight alcoholic effects. Kombucha is traditionally homemade but it has now become so popular that it is manufactured and sold by several companies. This probiotic tea serves its primary purpose in treating intestinal illnesses and sexually transmitted diseases.

Fermented soybeans

Fermented soybeans have a glutinous and gooey texture, distinct smell and strong taste. While soy is not a healthy food on its own, fermented soy, like all fermented food products, improves your digestion as it is probiotic and helps in the production of healthy bacteria. Fermented soybeans can be consumed as a breakfast food with rice and soy sauce or they may be added to other foods to enhance their taste and nutritive properties.

Natto, miso, and tempeh are some fermented soy dishes that are eaten in Asia, a much better diet than American unfermented soy intake. It is a low-cost food that boosts your digestive system better than most expensive diets.


Not all kinds of bacteria are bad; some are even good for you. Certain types of bacteria act as a catalyst to the whole digestion process and make it easier on your guts to process food. Since yogurt is fermented, it is a good source of probiotics that substantially increase the number of positive bacteria in your stomach.

With the increase in intake of highly processed foods, trans fats, sugar, and antibiotics, there is a significant rise in cases of bloating, gas, diarrhea, and stomach infections. Lucky for us that a healthy digestive system can be restored just as easily as it can be deteriorated.  You should visit reliable places in order to get your hands on healthy food items that are chosen precisely as per your scheduled diet. You can click here to check out one such place and decide your healthy menu even before you visit.


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