5 Photo Editing Tips Every Beginner Needs to Know

5 Photo Editing Tips Every Beginner
Photographer making vlog on food photography. in studio. Food photographer shooting food and recording video on camera.

How can you make your Instagram pop? Want to bring your photo feed to the next level?

Editing can make a huge difference when it comes to picture quality, and if you’re hoping to take it up a notch, learning how to edit will certainly help.

But if you’re wondering how to get started with editing your photos, the search ends now! Here are five easy and simple photo editing tips that will make your selfies shine.

1. Cut it Out

The first tip and step are to crop your photo to the desired size. If you study composition, you’ll know that cropping your photo will help guide a viewer’s focus to something.

So, if you have a “subject” of your picture, you can crop to make that subject the center. And if you want to get real artsy about it, you can try using the rule of thirds.

2. Choose Your Fighter

It’s a good idea to pick a go-to editing app or software to use most of the time. If you’re a beginner, sticking with one app will help you refine your skills and get really good.

Then you can transfer those skills to other apps when you’re ready. There are many great contenders, like adobe lightroom vs photoshop, VSCO, and Snapseed.

3. Light It Up

Once you’ve cropped your photo and gotten your editing app of choice locked and loaded, it’s time to play with all of those sliders.

Start with determining what kind of brightness you want your picture to have, and then use features like Exposure, Contrast, Highlights, and Shadows in order to get to your desired look.

4. Crystal Clear

Then you need to clear up your photo. Depending on your preference, you can use the Sharpening tool to define edges present in your picture.

You can also blur things if you’d like a softer edge to your photos, and with some apps, you can remove blemishes of any kind with a blending tool. It’s all about what you want for your picture.

5. Creating Effects

Finally, you can also play around with making your own special effects with a photo.

You can increase the saturation to emphasize the colors or decrease it to make some pictures black and white. You can also increase the grain or noise effects in a photo and give it a little Polaroid filter all on your own.

Just about anything is possible if you’re willing to play around on the app enough!

Take Their Breath Away Using These Photo Editing Tips

Are you ready for a game-changing Instagram feed? Now that you’ve got these five basic photo editing tips under your sleeve, there’s no telling where you’ll go next.

Now it’s time to snap some pictures, download an app or two, and get to playing around with your new skill set. Make sure you take breaks — it can get addicting if you’re not watching the time.

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