4 Most Important Ways to Make Sure Your Wedding Photography Goes Smoothly

Your Wedding Photography Goes Smoothly

On your big day, you’re going to have a ton of things to worry about so that it all goes smoothly. And one thing that you definitely want to go smoothly is your wedding photography.

The good news is that there are several ways that you can help ensure your wedding photography not only proceeds without any issues – but also turns out the type of photos that you want:

  • Come up with a shot list

Before the big day, you should sit down with your wedding photographer and come up with a shot list of all the photos that you definitely want to be snapped. It should cover key moments throughout the wedding, as well as any group portraits or shots of important people.

It may be best to draft out a shot list in advance, then talk to your photographer about it. Odds are they may be able to suggest some shots to include, or show you shot lists from weddings that they’ve covered in the past.

  • Create a style guide

What type of wedding photos do you prefer? There are many different styles of wedding photography out there, and you should pick one beforehand. On top of that, you should also come up with a rough style guide to explain your preferences to the photographer.

The style guide doesn’t have to be complicated. Instead, all you need to do is save any examples of wedding photos that you like, and explain why it is that you like them. That will help make sure your photographer understands your preferences and can snap photos that meet your expectations.

  • Assign a coordinator to the photographer

Find someone who knows all the guests at the wedding (or at least, the most important ones) and assign them to the photographer. That person can act as a coordinator, and point out and identify important people as well as to round groups up for portraits.

On the day itself, things are going to be hectic, and if your photographer is forced to try to round up guests and figure out who’s who on their own – it will be difficult. Assigning a wedding coordinator is a good way to ensure no problems come up.

  • Arrange for the photographer to scout the location

As far as possible you should set aside time before the big day for the photographer to scout the location. That way they’ll be able to snap some test shots and figure out the best way to frame and handle the lighting.

Ideally, the scouting session should be at least a few days before the wedding. However, if that isn’t an option you could arrange for your photographers to come early on the day itself.

Above and beyond all else, be sure that you sit down and talk things through with your London wedding photographer. If you’re both on the same page, your wedding photography will go a lot smoother, and you’ll end up with far better results.

On top of that, you should make it a point to ask them if there’s anything else they need. At the end of the day, wedding photographers have quite a bit of experience and should be able to provide you with advice and recommendations that can make the photography (and the wedding itself) a success.


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