Key Features of Salaries in New York


Last Updated on January 28, 2024

New York rightfully bears the title of one of the largest cities not only in the entire American continent. At the same time, the number of people living in it has been increasing steadily since 2010. This happens due to the influx of migrants from both abroad and in other US cities. Owing to this, New York has long ago turned into a prosperous city.

For many people, the world-famous metropolis is personified by incredible wealth and progress. It is there, according to the majority of visitors, that you can fully realize your abilities and become a famous and successful person.

Skillful workers are constantly required here. And they really receive decent rewards. Not every city can compete with New York. The difference between salaries in New York and other US cities is not so big, but it is still there. At the same time, everything in New York is much more expensive than the average in the United States. This applies to both goods and services.

Here, we should take into account the fact that piecework wages are popular in the United States. In addition, representatives of the fiscal service show a keen interest in the contents of all tax returns. Hourly pay is important to Americans. New Yorkers have long learned to appreciate their work, so they are used to calculating how much they earn per hour on average.

There is no official minimum wage in this city. The law does not force business owners to pay their employees a certain minimum amount for a month of work. The lowest level of payment is set for one hour of work.

In New York, the pay gap between different professions is quite high. Medical workers receive solid salaries, and people who are employed in the service sector get lesser salaries. We are talking about cashiers in supermarkets or fast food establishments, waiters in cafes and restaurants, dishwashers, and janitors. 

The medical staff gets more because the cost of medical services in New York is high. A doctor can earn twice as much as an executive director of a company. From this fact follows the conclusion that managers in the United States are not the highest-paid workers. However, the situation in New York is somewhat different from that typical for the country as a whole.

How much do New Yorkers earn?

The minimum wage in New York is set by law at $15 an hour. This rule must be strictly adhered to. Otherwise, representatives of law enforcement agencies may come to negligent employers with an unexpected visit. Hence, unreliable employers can pay a very high fine for this.

According to official data from the US Bureau of Statistics, in 2022, the average New Yorker earns approximately $70,000 per year. Among the most highly-paid jobs, we should mention plastic surgeons ($220,000 per year), lawyers ($190,000 per year), CEOs ($180,000 per year), designers ($170,000 per year), architects ($140,000 per year), and engineers ($135,000 per year).