How to Balance Your Personal Wheel of Wellness

Wheel of Wellness

Last Updated on February 5, 2024

A Wheel of wellness is a visual guide that can help you to assess the various aspects of your wellness, known as the Seven Dimensions of Wellness: emotional, environmental, intellectual, physical, professional, social, and spiritual.

When we are speaking of wellness, we are referring to the continual and active procedures to achieve an ideal healthy state of being that requires an improvement of lifestyle choices. 

By better understanding the elements of the Wellness Wheel and how to apply it to your own life, you can learn how to live a more balanced daily existence. 

1) Environmental: This element of the Wellness Wheel pertains to taking care of the global environment and your immediate personal environment with sustainable practices like:

  • Recycling plastic, glass, and paper.
  • Keeping a clean and organized living space.
  • Spending time outdoors in nature. 

2) Spiritual: This is for people that establish harmony and peace in their lives by demonstrating a sense of individual purpose with a reflection of beliefs and values that you stand for in your actions. Some examples include: 

  • Having a sense of meaning in your life. 
  • Trust yourself and others while also being able to forgive others for their mistakes. 
  • Living by ethics, morals, and principles that guide the decisions that you make in your life. 

3) Emotional: This applies to people that have an understanding of and an ability to cope with feelings through a positive attitude and sense of self, with examples being: 

  • Having a sense of fun and laughter.
  • Being able to identify feelings and express them constructively and appropriately. 
  • Having a sense of control and an ability to adapt to change fairly easily. 

4) Professional: This is when you professionally or in school have fulfillment in your work as well as having a healthy balance between work and leisure, with examples like: 

  • Having values and beliefs surrounding money and education be harmonious with your behavior.
  • There is a balance between work and school and the other aspects of your life that may involve pleasure and socialize. 
  • Having financial and educational plans for your future that you are working towards. 

5) Intellectual: Having a generally open mind to new experiences and ideas creatively, curiously, and critically while seeking new challenges, with examples being: 

  • Having goals to learn new skills or study different topics.
  • Considering yourself a lifelong learner.
  • Committing energy and time to self-development.

6) Social: This is all about connecting and relating to others by engaging in your community and being a part of supportive social networks that you may also help build, with examples like: 

  • Being aware of the feelings of others and being able to respond in an appropriate way.  
  • Having relationships with people that you can trust. 
  • Being able to set boundaries with others as well as being able to respect the boundaries of others (space, belongings, property, safety).

7) Physical: The maintenance of a healthy body through intelligent dietary and activity decisions. Some examples include: 

  • Eating balanced nutritional meals.
  • Exercising a minimum of 60 minutes per day for youth and 2.5 hours each week for adults.
  • Being normally free of illness with a preventive lifestyle.

Table of Contents

Using the Wellness Wheel

The Wellness Wheel can increase your self-awareness in relation to your health and wellness, which is helpful in that there are more areas of wellness beyond fitness and nutrition. 

Using a Wellness Wheel is highly is a personal and individual experience that helps you learn something new about yourself by following these steps: 

Step 1

Read the definitions and examples of each dimension of wellness, considering each example for yourself.

Step 2

Jot down one thing next to the #1 for each dimension of wellness in the Wellness Wheel that you are already doing or happen to be doing quite well. 

Step 3

While going through the wheel, complete #1 for each of the seven dimensions on the Wellness Wheel and refer back to the examples and definitions if you need a reminder. 

Step 4

Return to the dimensions and think about one thing you would like to do better to enhance this dimension of wellness and write it down beside the #2 for each dimension.

Step 5

Follow that prior step for each dimension until you have both #1 and #2 finished for each dimension that is featured on the Wellness Wheel.

Step 6

With your Wellness Wheel completed, consider what you can do in your daily lifestyle to maintain what you have written beside the #1s and how you can get going on the items written beside the #2s. Construct a plan for these listed items, then hang up our Wellness Wheel, where you will be able to refer to it weekly. 


Wellness is a constant journey that you have to commit to for the long haul; it isn’t a place that you suddenly arrive at.

Consider using wellness wheel activities from time to time to check in with yourself and change priorities to affect different parts of your well-being that need your attention. 

Identify if there are any imbalances preventing you from leading a plentiful and by using the Wellness Wheel, you can pinpoint the areas that you are lacking.Â