3 tips for writing an effective resume

effective resume

Do you send dozens of CVs and your phone is stubbornly silent? Time to take a look at your CV. This is the first and one of the most important stages of recruitment. Here are some tips to help you stand out and get your dream job!

Check how to write an effective CV that will open the way to a new job!

1. The “KISS” principle

It is not about ending the email to the employer with the words “Kisses”. You definitely shouldn’t do that. KISS is an acronym for a principle that is worth applying in many aspects of life, also when applying for a job. “Keep It Simple, Stupid”. The recruiter receives several or even a dozen CV documents every day. That’s why he should really be attracted by your CV from the first view. 

Don’t use complicated sentences, use bullets, divide your content into paragraphs. All these procedures will allow the skilled eye of recruiter to find the desired information quickly and easily. You should also remember about the appropriate size of the document – if we do not want to tire the recruiter, it is best to fit everything on two pages.

2. Take care of the aesthetic side of your CV

CV The aesthetics and appearance of your CV are important for two reasons. Firstly, it makes reading easier, and secondly, it makes a good impression on employers. While simplicity comes at a price, forgo the most basic word processor resume where you list sections one below the other. The time and effort invested in the appearance of the document will pay off. If you do not have enough time for that, you can always ask someone to give tips on writing professional resume.

3. What must contain an effective CV?

Avoid spilling water, even if your work experience is not yet very extensive. Do not include unnecessary information for the employer in your CV. These include, but are not limited to, early education, training not related to the job you are applying for.

First impressions are very important. A CV is our professional showcase, a form of the first contact with a potential employer, an element that affects whether we will be invited to further stages of the recruitment process.

To sum up: what is an effective CV?

A good CV looks good and gives a good impression because:

  • it looks legible and professional
  • the most important elements are visible at a glance: contact, skills, purpose
  • the recruiter wants to read them 
  • makes the recruiter contact you to arrange an interview

Good luck!