4 tips for digital marketing strategy

tips for digital marketing strategy

Last Updated on February 17, 2024

Digital marketing is the term for any activity that promotes your cause online. In other words, digital marketing is anything your association does to attract and find potential members, donors and volunteers interested in getting involved with your association. It covers everything from a simple blog post, to a tweet, to an SEO strategy., or a decent website. As more and more people are on the internet, digital marketing has become more and more important. In fact, many associations, especially in the United States and England (where associations are more modernized) are now thinking “digital first”. They “sell” themselves online first, then think about how to promote themselves offline. They rightly see other associations as competing entities and seek to get ahead of them on the web. Here are some tips and tricks to give access to the hidden plan of social media success or digital marketing strategy.

A modern website adapted to mobile phones

The website is just the showcase of your association. This is where the association can present its missions, highlight its cause and encourage people to donate. But despite the importance of websites, many associations we work with do not think that redesigning their site is a priority! Here are our tips for modernizing your site:

Use a decent platform

For an association, it is absolutely essential that the site is built on a user-friendly and easily modifiable platform. WordPress for example is a reliable system. It is easy to add content and offers a huge amount of features that will allow you to do whatever you want with the site. If you don’t know how to use WordPress (making great content remains difficult), use platforms that offer you pre-established and specialized formats for associations. If you don’t have the budget available to hire a professional website designer, there are systems that give you free sites that will help you get a simple but efficient and up-to-date website. For example, here is the format VerticalSoft uses for client associations. Our sites are included in the price of the CRM, and can be customized but do not have to be configured. They adapt easily to mobiles and are linked to yourCRM. Make sure your website “loads” quickly, without too much delay. And make sure your site is optimized for mobile devices. As for the musicians, you should choose the platform very carefully. For instance, it’s better to use Spotify and SoundCloud. The strategy would be very simple – buy spotify plays, post the music track actively and stay engaged with the fans. 

Calls to action button

The first step any charity should take is getting the right website. This means that the website is easy to use, accessible and has strong calls to action – that is, it tells visitors what is expected of them.

Website Design: Tips and Tricks

Psychologically, we are drawn to human faces, so associations should use people’s faces as much as possible in their website designs. Be careful, however: use real quality photos and not free photos on the internet. Digital marketing is the term for any activity that promotes your cause online. In other words, digital marketing is anything your association does to attract and find potential members, donors and volunteers interested in getting involved with your association. It covers everything from a simple blog post, to a tweet, to an SEO strategy, or a decent website. As more and more people are on the internet, digital marketing has become more and more important. In fact, many associations, especially in the United States and England (where associations are more modernized) are now thinking “digital first”. They “sell” themselves online first, then think about how to promote themselves offline. They rightly see other associations as competing entities, and seek to get ahead of them on the web.