Trends to Watch Out for When Installing Wall Tiles for Your Living Space

Trends Installing Wall Tiles

 Over the last few years, the living room design has undergone quite a change and that change has been positive. People now want to add a certain style to their home, particularly living rooms, and tile trends have contributed to this particular change. If you want to join the bandwagon and want to transform your living space, here are some living room tile trends you might want to consider for your walls. Remember that walls are what a visitor will lay his or her eyes on first, and the first impression got to be the best. Here are some Trends to Watch Out for When Installing Wall Tiles for Your Living Space.


Marble looks have always been in fashion. While earlier natural marble stones are what people would go for, lately marble tiles have been gaining popularity. Marble tiles are very durable and don’t require a lot of maintenance. If you like elegance, you may simply want to settle for the marble tile trend. While marble tiles may be more expensive than other types of tiles, they will definitely be cheaper than natural marble stone. Marble tiles also require way less maintenance compared to marble stones.

Marble finish tiles are one of the most popular materials to be used in the living space. There are many types of marble tiles available that come in different colours and styles, so you have a huge range to pick from. Marble tiles have a strong visual appeal, and can help you bring the classic look to your home.


Rustic tiles are rich in antique flavour and can give a decorative effect to any space. Their unique pattern makes them look different. These tiles have a rough structure that give them a natural look. This makes them ideal for outdoor spaces and even for indoor spaces for people with specific tastes. They also look good in restaurants and commercial spaces that sport a rustic and retro decor.


If you’re looking for some real class, consider installing wood finish tiles. These are ideal if you’re trying to create an elegant look that is both modern and contemporary. Not only do they add an interesting style to the room, but have a timeless feel that will never fail to impress people. Also, they are also incredibly easy to install, so you can make sure that you get the best look out of any room.

One of the main things to appreciate about wood finish tiles is just how versatile they can be. From a practical standpoint, this type of product can offer you style and durability. Wooden tiles are low on maintenance, easy to install and more functional when compared to real wood material. They are also cheaper than real wood but create the same warm ambience.

Overall, these tiles are a perfect choice for any living room design.


Cement finish tiles are becoming more popular in recent times as many people find them to be an attractive way of improving the look of their homes and work spaces. These tiles are available in a wide range of styles and designs, which will suit almost any taste and decor. They are not only simple and functional but are also long-lasting and durable.

These are preferred over other floor types such as wood or vinyl for various reasons. These particular tiles offer several benefits that make them a very good option to consider if you are considering doing some renovating or floor replacement.

As mentioned earlier, cement finish tiles are not only practical but they are also incredibly durable. This means that if you were to accidentally spill something or drop a heavy object on your floor, it is unlikely to get damaged, break or chip.

Cement finish tiles are a great alternative to boring concrete. These tiles offer many benefits that concrete cannot. Concrete is a porous material that breaks down over time, making it an expensive and undesirable floor material for any home. Tiles, on the other hand, are very durable and do not require any additional care after they have been applied.

Also, they will make a gorgeous looking living room, with a difference and a touch of the old charm. It is safe to say that there is nothing better than a combination of elegance and strength.


Smooth-solid design tiles are a recent addition to the list of construction materials used commonly by designers and architects. These tiles are made up of various materials which are solid. Moreover, there are various designs to choose from.

The main reason behind using smooth-solid design tiles is that they provide a good option for those who want to build a smooth, clean and attractive space. These tiles are available in different sizes, shapes and colours.

When you have your eye on one of the above living room tile trends, make sure you ask questions and do your research. You must make sure that you’re getting the best deal and what you are taking is suitable for your space and taste. Also, choose a colour that will blend well with the rest of your home decor. Ensure that the tile you choose fits well with your requirement, and for that, don’t hesitate even if you have to shell out a little more as it will be beneficial over the long run. Finally, be prepared to have some fun exploring the whole new look. Just remember that by putting in a little effort, you will be able to create a beautiful living room.



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