How To Disinfect Home During Coronavirus Scare

Disinfect Home During Coronavirus Scare

The coronavirus scare is for real and has been virtually threatening one and all. Unfortunately, the threat is so grave that it has taken the form of a pandemic. However, while self-isolation holds the key to avoiding the virus from touching you, it would help to sanitize yourself and your home properly. Here are a few tips to disinfect your home and prevent transmission of the deadly virus.

Soap and water

Of course, your first line of defense is the humble soap and water that comes to your rescue every time you need to cleanse yourself. However, soap can also be used to clean up surfaces and for general house cleaning tasks. Now you might be wondering about the effectiveness of soap in preventing virus transmission. 

The scientific community believes that soap is a miracle weapon in the fight against corona virus. It is believed to interfere with the virus’ outer lipid membrane and dissolve the fat layer, which kills the virus. So washing your hands and surfaces with soap can help disinfect you and home.


You might be surprised to find that bleach can be a powerful weapon in the fight against coronavirus. Sodium hypochlorite is the active ingredient in bleach, which can kill the virus. The best way to clean home during coronavirus scare is to leave the bleach for 10-15 minutes before wiping it clean with a clean cloth.

How does the bleach work?

Well, sodium hypochlorite destroys the virus’ ribonucleic acid (RNA). RNA is what gives the virus the blueprint to make more virus particles during a coronavirus infection. However, carefully read the instructions before using the bleach.

DIY Bleach Disinfectant Spray

You can make disinfectant spray at home with water and bleaching powder. Pour 4 teaspoons of household bleach into a spray bottle. Fill up the bottle with 1 quart water.

Shake vigorously before spraying on all surfaces. This is one of the best tips to disinfect home during a pandemic. Wipe clean after 10 minutes. 

However, remember not to mix bleach with any other chemical. Wear gloves before using a bleaching solution for house cleaning. 

Surface wipes

If you have surface wipes handy, they might just be the house cleaning solution you need during this coronavirus crisis. Since surface wipes have an antiseptic benzalkonium chloride, they are tough on germs. When you apply pressure while cleaning a surface with these antiseptic wipes, germs could attach to the wipe.

Additionally, the wipes might leave a layer of the antiseptic wherever you rub them. The antiseptic is potent enough to kill bacteria and protect your family from coronavirus. Similar to soap, an antiseptic disrupts fats in pathogen cells.

Surgical spirit 

When it comes to disinfecting house, the surgical spirit could be a savior. Its alcohol ethanol content can kill coronaviruses within 30 seconds. Similar to bleach, the alcohol destroys the virus’s protein and RNA. 

One of the ways to disinfect home is to moisten a cloth with spirit and wipe clean a surface. Since surgical spirit evaporates quickly, you do not need to work hard with it.

What all to disinfect

  • It is important to clean and disinfect any surface or object that you touch wearing the dirty laundry. 
  • Clean the hamper and wash your hands, particularly if there is a sick person at home. You may want to use a liner in the hamper, as advised by the CDC.
  • Clean your jacket and backpack. It is a good idea to wipe the inside with a disinfectant wipe.
  • Disinfect the packages that travel to your place. Researchers warn that the virus might survive on cardboard for 24 hours. It is advised to wipe clean the packages with a disinfecting wipe.
  • Mobile phones, tablets, and computers are magnets for germs. Since you carry them wherever you go, you ought to clean and disinfect them thoroughly. Similar to disinfecting home, you can put to use a disinfecting wipe to clean your mobile or tablet. 
  • When house cleaning, it is important to disinfect high-touch points, including tables, desks, handles, doorknobs, furniture, appliances, light switches, faucets, hard-backed chairs, sinks, tote bags, steering wheels, toilet flusher, and accessories that you use regularly. 

These are uncertain times. The threat from coronavirus looks scary. Luckily, self-isolation and self-quarantine are the best ways to save yourself and family from the deadly infection. Stay home. Stay safe.

Avoid stepping out unless there is an emergency. By following these tips to disinfect home during the coronavirus scare, you can rest assured that your family stays safe. 


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