Deck the Walls: Easy Ways to Decorate Your Walls like a Pro

Deck the Walls: Easy Ways to Decorate Your Walls like a Pro

You don’t have to be Martha Stewart to decorate your walls in a stunning way. And when it comes to interior decorating, few areas of your house have as much overall impact.

But let’s say you know it’s time for a change, yet have no clue where to start. No worries! We’ve got you covered.

Keep reading for fun ideas to revitalize your space and make decorating walls a breeze. We guarantee you’ll feel like a DIY pro after trying some of these ideas out!

Decorating Your Walls Ideas

What’s the easiest and most dramatic way to change the feel of a room? By painting one or more of your interior walls. But you do need a few handy tips to make sure everything goes smoothly.

These include cleaning your wall before beginning, testing paint samples on your actual walls before making a final decision, and using painter’s tape and drop covers for easy cleanup. Here are a few more tips to help you paint like a pro.

Once you’ve created the vibe you want with the proper paint, it’s time to accessorize with the right wall decor.

Livening Up Your Walls with Wall Art

You’ve got many options when it comes to decorating wall spaces. Stunning wall art can transform your living area from drab to fab in the time it takes to hammer a few nails into the walls.

Here are some things to keep in mind as you begin the process of selecting the right art and other features for your walls.

Start by measuring your walls. You can then use these measurements to select wall art that takes up the width of the wall, leaving six to 12 inches of blank space, the image centered in the middle.

This tip creates a clean appearance and minimal lines. It works well with a statement piece. You can also use this principle when hanging a smaller series of uniformly-sized pictures equidistant from one another.

As for how high to hang wall art, go with this rule of thumb used by museum curators. Hang the art at the line of sight or about 60 inches from the floor.

Here are some additional tips for decorating walls with art.

Decorating Your Walls with Photos

Displaying photos on a wall requires a different set of principles than those governing wall art. First and foremost, photos tend to be much smaller. As a result, you’ll need to consider placement more carefully.

One of the most effective ways to display photos? By creating a collage of images on your computer and then printing them out on high-quality photo paper. Frame collages uniformly and hang them in groups of four.

Or think outside of the box and use paper clips instead of frames to hang your photos on thick ribbons. You don’t have to make holes in the wall, yet you still enjoy a stylish way to display your favorite memories.

Decorate Your Walls

With a few essential tips, you can decorate your walls in style. Start with the most dramatic piece of the puzzle, painting an interior wall or two.

You may choose to paint this wall in a bright shade to make a statement. Or, you may decide to go more subtle. Either way, you’ll change up your home and harness a vibe that better fits your sense of style.

Then, follow the tips above to place wall art and photos, thereby creating an interior feel you’ll love coming home to.

Interested in more ways to create a tasteful space? Browse our blog for the tips you need to create the ultimate at-home haven.


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