5 Reasons People Love Living in Milwaukee

5 Reasons People Love Living in Milwaukee

Last Updated on April 10, 2024

If you want to visit a beautiful city nestled on lake Michigan, look no further than Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Milwaukee offers scenic waterfront views, exciting sports teams, the University of Wisconsin, and thriving nightlife.  Plus, it was the home of tv shows like Happy Days and Laverne & Shirley.

If you’re thinking of living in Milwaukee, don’t make up your mind until you finish reading this article.

We’ve compiled some of the best reasons to make “Cream City” your new home.

Five Things To Love About Living in Milwaukee

Milwaukee might not be on the top of everyone’s list of places to visit, but this Mid Western gem offers a lot to locals and tourists.

If you enjoy learning about new things, there are several museums in the downtown area. While you’re there, take a stroll down the Riverwalk.

But don’t stop there. Depending on the season, you’ll have the opportunity to catch a baseball, basketball, or football game.

Be sure to leave room for some beer as this city has ample breweries on tap.

If you want to know more, continue.

1. Riverwalk

The Riverwalk is the three-mile area that stretches through downtown Milwaukee. It allows people to stroll past bakeries, businesses, eateries, boutiques, and everything in between.

You’ll get to see the beautiful architectural wonders that align the Milwaukee River. Whether it’s 8 AM or 11 PM, the Riverwalk’s available for your outdoor pleasure.

2. Festivals

Milwaukee doesn’t have the nickname of “The City of Festivals” for nothing, according to Visit Milwaukee. Every year dozens of festivals and visitors flood the city.

When you do a quick search, you’ll find several festivals planned for summer 2020. These remarkable events include Polish Fest, Fest Italiana, Lakefront Festival of Art, Summerfest: The World’s Largest Music Festival, and Pridefest Milwaukee.

But don’t think the festival fun stops as the season’s change. Milwaukee offers festivals year-round, so there are lots of chances to get out and socialize.

3. Brewery Tours

In a city known for its breweries, it’s not surprising to find the legacy continues. Today there are over 30 breweries in Milwaukee and the neighboring area, according to USA Today.

So if you’re into learning some history while sipping a cold one, consider taking a brewery tour. Some breweries offering tours include Lakefront Brewery, Miller Brewery Tour, The Bavarian Bierhaus, Black Husky Brewing Company, and Sprecher Brewery.

The times and days of the tours vary by location, so check out their website or call ahead for more details.

4. Museums

Milwaukee’s museum scene boasts a variety of different themes.

The Milwaukee Art Museum is perfect for visitors who enjoy artifacts, sculptures, and installations. Set aside some time to take in the works and visit on Thursday as admission is free.

Wanna switch things up a bit? Check out the Harley Davidson Museum. It’s the premier place for America’s favorite motorcycle. The bike-filled exhibits are sure to thrill lovers of the HOG.

If you want a kid-friendly museum, visit Betty Brinn’s Children’s Museum or Discovery World. Both locations target children and adhere to their five senses.

5. Friendly Neighborhoods

Milwaukee is known for its beer culture, but it also friendly neighborhoods. If you want an eclectic, diverse experience, then Riverwest might be your spot. It’s known for people of all walks of life who still find time to help those in need.

Glendale continues to the theme of community with beautiful parks, convenient stores, and welcoming neighbors.

If you find yourself in a situation where you need to sell your property fast to relocate, consider using Cream City Home Buyers. They’ll work with you to get your house sold.

What’s Not To Love?

Living in Milwaukee provides breweries, ball games, festivals, and culture. If you’re thinking about moving to this mid-western city, you’ll be in good company.

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