Last Updated on July 27, 2020
Every year some individuals on New Year’s Day make “resolutions.” Unfortunately, there is not much in the way of “resolution” in holiday resolutions. Most fall by the wayside for lack of conscious effort or because the number of resolutions were too overwhelming. Why not try a new strategy to learn things you are never too old, to do, create or try at least once in a new year?
Things Left Incomplete
No matter what your age may be, there is always something you started to do and for lack of time or effort never finished.
Start with your collection of books. Are there any that you failed to finish reading? Very often readers say they lose interest in a book with a great title. Now might be a good time to revisit a book left behind on your reading list.
New Things You Can Try
The next time you pass by a garage sale take note of the books being sold quite inexpensively.
Are there any textbooks among them? If so, take the opportunity to purchase one that teaches you a new skill. Perhaps, a used textbook on computers might be a way to brush up on basic computer logic. You learn new things you didn’t have time for earlier on in your life. You find a new respect for all those old software programs you rarely used and just ignored for lack of knowledge of their actual functions.
Trying new things also increases your creativity. A used book by a famous philosopher may spur your creativity to write a short story, essay or even a family biography. Ideas come from books all the time whether you are young or old.
Used textbooks are also a fun way to learn new subjects you might have thought were too advanced back in high school or college days.
Garage sales are excellent places to find textbooks to try to master a new language. You are never too old to learn a new language.
Things You Can Create
Whether you are male or female, when you run across used textbooks on art, sculpture, pottery or sewing, you are in for a treat. These textbooks help you learn to create new and useful things.
Maybe, Home Ec or Auto Shop was not offered in your school’s curriculum. A used textbook from a former Home EC or Auto Shop student is a great find.
You’re Never Too Old to Try Again
It’s always an interesting preoccupation to go back and renew interest in math, geometry, social studies or one of the electives like music or ballroom dance.
All of these are found in books at your local library’s annual book sale or at a local book store clearance sales.
Many local schools have an end of the school year “clearing out” of books for a small price. Don’t forget that this source of books helps schools in your community. Contact the school secretary or administrative clerk to find out when these are available.
Revisiting Ho Hum Subjects
You’re never too old to try, try again to learn that which you found impossible in school or college. For example, remember those psychology classes that you thought were as dry as dust? Try to find used textbooks on this subject to build self-confidence or interaction with others. It is always easier to concentrate on subjects you found uninteresting in your youth.
The Benefit of Being an Older “Student”
When you forage for used school books, you find the benefit that your concentration is better and more controllable. Naturally, you learn more with greater effort and concentration.
Another very important benefit of seeking things to do, create or try that has no age limit is that it keeps your mind healthier, stronger and less prone to typical signs of aging.
Remember those Old History and Geography Books?
When you are hunting for old school books, you might come across a well-worn geography book. Today’s schools refer to this subject as “social studies.” However, those old geography study books are a treasure trove of interesting things you can make good use of if you are an avid traveler. You might even be surprised to learn how many places in the world today have had name changes.
This is also true of history study books. It is hard to pass up an old U.S. History study book without noticing how many new things you can learn that relate to this country’s history today and how many past events have been forgotten.
Law Study Books Abound
Wherever you choose to find a wealth of books, online or off, to help you do, create or try new things, one very worthwhile set of books are those on legal subjects. What can you do with books on legal subjects? It may be just the right inspiration to reconsider a law degree or get you out of a sticky legal situation.
Books on First Aid, healthcare and accident prevention are valuable sources for proper treatment of minor home injuries or assessing when professional medical help is needed.
Things You’ll Never Be Too Old to Do, Create or Try
Once you have the right book in hand, you can create a wide array of crafts, a beautiful oil painting or read music, a skill you’ve always wanted to try.
When you know your physical limitations as you age, you can refer to a guide book on how to maintain your agility without injury.
Doing, creating and trying is like food for your brain “if” you have the right books to help you reach your goals.