10 Ways to Protect Your Home While on Vacation

10 Ways to Protect Your Home While on Vacation

Last Updated on July 28, 2020

Vacations are an amazing thing to look forward to and are well deserved as well. However, most people often spend most of their off time thinking about their home being unsupervised. What’s the use of going somewhere to relax when you’ll be worrying the whole time? To avoid this, a few precautions can be taken beforehand. We understand that taking a week or so off for a holiday can be stressful as there are things to consider. We’re here to help you out. Here are some ways you can protect your home with even when you’re out on vacay.

1. Give Off Signals

There are ways in which you can give off the impression that someone is in the home (even though there isn’t). Some sort of noise or light indication should be good enough. How can you pull this off? You could set up a timer that turns on the lights at a certain time. Even noise alerts can be put up in a similar manner. This is a great way to drive away any intruders and discourage them for making a target at your home. You could even go the extra mile and hire a gardener once a week if you haven’t already.

2. Don’t Publicize Your Trip

It’s really common nowadays for people to put their whole personal lives on social media. Whether it’s daily activities, relationships and you guessed it- vacations. For the sake of your house, however, we think you can sacrifice your #vacationgoals. It’s not worth it. Announcing your trip even in person can be bad and can encourage intruders to take a pass at your home. Nothing is worth putting your property at a robber risk.

3. Security Alarm

Find a security alarm company that is reliable enough. Consult about the options for your home in particular and see what they can do. It’s always best to have a panic button system installed just in case.

4. Give Someone A Spare Key

There should be two people in your life- one that you can trust with a spare key and one you absolutely cannot. Giving a loved one the spare key to your house is a good idea. You could also request them to keep an eye on your home once in a while. Remember to do the same when they are on vacation too so it’s a fifty-fifty scenario. But make sure the person is trustworthy enough, think enough about who the key should stay with.

5. Keep Appliances Unplugged

Remember to keep all of the electrical appliances you own unplugged and turned off. Burglary isn’t your only issue while leaving for vacation. There is a chance for a power surge or fire to take place. Instead of taking the risk it’s better to be prepared.

6. CCTV Camera Installation

If you don’t have one already and are willing to you can install some CCTV security cameras around your premises. It’s very common nowadays and are effective in keeping an eye on your home whether in or not in your absence.

7. Keep Belongings Safe

Unless you want to have a vacation full of stress and worry you should keep the most precious safe. The best thing is to take them along with you on the trip if that’s possible. You could also give them a close person until you get back.

8. Secure Doors

Doors and windows are obviously the main points through which intruders may enter your home. So, look into securing them well and make it as hard as possible for anyone to enter without authorization.

9. The Outside Matters

Do you keep your window shut when you’re at home? Are your curtains closed or open? Place out factors that are present when you are at home and make changes before you head out. This will discourage robbers.

10. Move the Spare Key

Are you used to keeping a spare key under your doormat or under a vase? Well, it’s best to take those with you before leaving on holiday. This is because an intruder’s first instinct would be to look for a spare key somewhere around the porch.