Lighting Tips To Make Your Room Look Great

Lighting Tips To Make Your Room Look Great

Last Updated on July 23, 2020

Your room is not the place where you only sleep. Behind the closed doors, you can do whatever you want – read books, work on your project, spend time with your friends or partner, watch your favorite series or just lay in your bed for hours and try to forget about the madness outside. You spend the third of your life in your bedroom, according to a study conducted by Lamptwist. That’s why you need to make sure your room is comfortable enough.

There are a lot of elements that can make your room look great. If you want it to reflect your taste – add your favorite colors, pieces of furniture, and personal items. If you want to create a unique atmosphere, you should think of your lighting. The thing is that it can manipulate the overall feel of the space. You can have the best design solutions in your room, but your guests will not see them if you fail to pick the right bulbs.

Check out these tips below to make your bedroom look even better. Sometimes a little bulb can make a drastic change.

Make a plan

First of all, think of the atmosphere you want to have in your room. For example, if you believe that your bedroom is the place for sleep and sex only, choose layers of lighting with adjustable dimmers. It will allow you to play with the light and create relaxing (or even sexy!) atmosphere. Also, you can install the same in your kid’s room. This type of lightning can quickly put anyone to sleep. Make a list of things you like doing in your bedroom. It will help you choose the right kind of lightning.

Don’t forget to mix it

Some people have only one lamp because they don’t want their room to be very bright. However, having different sources of lights in your bedroom can be a good design solution. It should be a mix of accent, task lights and overhead. Feel free to forego traditional lampshades.

Use mirrors

Extra mirrors in your bedroom can help bring light into your bedroom and can make it look visually bigger. If you want it to be effective, place mirrors in front of your window so it can reflect the sunlight. Also, you can place a floor lamp next to the mirror. In the evening, it will have the same effect as during the day.

Wall space

If you want to have extra lighting in your bedroom, but you don’t have space on the floor and at your desk, feel free to use empty wall space. You can place your lights just over there. It can be a good option if you like reading in bed. Also, you can place a new lamp right next to your wardrobe. Dressing up in the evening will become easier.


If you have empty corners in your room, add an oversized floor lamp. It will help brighten up the whole room and solve the problem of an awkwardly empty corner. Also, it can enhance your bedroom’s ambiance, accent the picture on the wall or dramatize your wall textures.

Find the right bulbs

There are a few different kinds of light bulbs. They can not only affect your energy costs differently, but they can also create completely contrasting atmospheres in your room. For example, LED bulbs are pretty expensive compared to other kinds. From another hand, they can last longer, and it is the best solution if you want to save energy. There are a lot of different color options, so you can ask a shop-assistant to show them to you.

When it comes to halogen light bulbs, they provide warm light. However, they also have high energy consumption and can get quite hot to touch. If you think of incandescent light bulbs, you should know that they are energy-efficient, so it is pretty popular in interiors. It can be a perfect option for kitchen pot light, chandeliers and table lamps.

There are also fluorescent light bulbs that you can use for your basement, garage, hallway or many other places that don’t get much traffic. This type of lightbulbs can provide cold light, and they are energy-efficient. The only drawback is that fluorescent light bulbs can be easily dimmed.