5 Tips for Staging Your Kitchen for Resell

5 Tips for Staging Your Kitchen for Resell
White Kitchen Interior with Island, Sink, Cabinets, and Hardwood Floors in New Luxury Home

Are you contemplating selling your home? Do you want it to sell fast and at the highest price possible?

If your answer is: yes, you should start thinking about how to stage your kitchen properly. Kitchens are one of the rooms that often attract the most interest from home buyers.

According to a report published by the National Association of Realtors in 2017, buyers’ agents cited that staging the kitchen was most important for 41 percent of buyers. So, you should make sure yours looks its best when the guests arrive.

Check out these tips on staging a kitchen for a home resale.

1. Free Up Your Kitchen Space

Countertops tend to take the brunt of kitchen clutter. Keeping them organized can be a real pain in the neck. Remove all crockery, cutlery, and appliances you may have kept on your counters.

If you must leave one or two must-use appliances behind, make sure they don’t eat up too much of your countertop space.

You should also consider removing things from your kitchen cabinetry. If they’re filled with stuff, they may give the buyer an impression that your kitchen lacks storage space.

Put away all the items you don’t need to use every day.

2. Keep the Room Clean and Odor-Free

You don’t want a potential buyer to enter your kitchen, and exclaim, “Ew! What’s that smell?”

Take out all your trash and clean the trash can, don’t keep dirty dishes in the kitchen sink, and de-stink your kitchen sink and garbage disposal with a few home-made lemons and vinegar cubes.

Ooh, and don’t forget about the refrigerator! Throw away all the expired food and clean the appliance thoroughly.

If you typically struggle to keep your kitchen clean after preparing meals, consider bringing home take-out or eating out until your home is out of the real estate market.

Or, you could check out our blog on how to expedite cleanup after meal preparation.

3. Keep Windows Clean and Clear

A well-lit kitchen is a major selling point of any home, but it can also help to accentuate the beauty of other features in the kitchen.

As buyers place natural light at a premium, it’s important to make sure maximum penetration of sunlight through your windows. If you have heavy curtains or drapes, you should consider replacing them with window coverings that can allow sunlight to pass through easily.

If your windows haven’t been cleaned for a while, you should consider seeking out a professional window cleaning service to make them sparkle again. If you have other questions about selling your property, companies like Strong|Edge Realty know all the tips and tricks to help you sell real estate.

4. Give Your Walls a Fresh Coat of Paint

Applying a fresh coat of paint on your kitchen walls is an easy and inexpensive way to revamp the look of your kitchen.

Choose a paint color that blends nicely with the interior furnishings of your kitchen to achieve a well-coordinated look.

5. Bring Life into Your Kitchen with Plants

Placing plants on the table or countertop can bring a taste of outdoor living inside your kitchen, giving it a truly homey feeling. You don’t have to go overboard with the plants -– just one or two strategically-placed vases of fresh flowers will liven up space.

Staging a Kitchen Can Get Your Home off the Market Fast

Staging a kitchen to resell doesn’t have to be an expensive affair. You need to do is to establish your goals and priorities and plan out how to achieve them. You can keep your kitchen revamp simple and elegant with the above-suggested ideas.

You’re welcome to browse through our Kitchen Archives category to find more useful information about your home kitchen.


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