7 Ways to Reduce Waste at School

7 Ways to Reduce Waste at School

Children are taught how to become responsible citizens in school. One of the important lessons that are taught to children in schools is the lesson to avoid waste. Human beings waste so much every year and this not only creates a garbage and wastage problem but also is economically damaging.

Children have to be taught to avoid wastage and help protect the environment so that they have a good future on planet earth. You can visit this website for more information regarding recycling and optimal waste management. The following are some ways in which waste can be reduced in school:

Ways to Reduce Waste at School


  • It is better to eat homemade food that is carried to school in reusable Tiffin boxes and containers. Also, not carrying extra food but each child carrying the food that they need to get through the day is a smart decision.
  • If the school has a cafeteria, children should be encouraged to finish every item in their plate and not unnecessarily take extra food that they then throw away in the trash.
  • Also, cafeterias can use reusable cutlery, containers, and plates to avoid using throwaway plastic items to serve their food.
  • Healthy food and quality of food are more important than quantity in schools. Meals have to be prepared in a way in which children get nutritious food which is tasty and not wasted.

Lending Libraries

  • Every school must have a lending library for the students. This should include textbooks, novels, reference books, newspapers and books on general knowledge so that children do not need to keep buying the same books.
  • Lending libraries should be encouraged as they save money and wastage in buying duplicate books. Many children can read the same books by lending them from the library.

Yard Sale Drives

  • Many times children in the school participate in projects that help them understand the importance of avoiding wastage.
  • Community yard sales are used in schools where children have an opportunity to organize a yard sale for the school. The teachers, students and people from the local community bring items that they do not need for the yard sale and the proceeds generally go to charity.

Recycle, Reduce and Reuse

  • This mantra is taught in almost every school. Recycling is a process in which making the most use of an item. Using waste material that was going to go in the trash to remodel it for a different use is called recycling.
  • Reusing an item, again and again, is also a smart choice. Using both sides of a paper at school, making arts and crafts of used items and using the same school bags, food containers and water bottles is a smart choice.
  • Reducing waste is a great choice. This means that children and teachers should reduce the wastage and reduce the items needed to carry out lectures and projects. If you are looking to for a dumpster to clear all the waster to make sure to check dumpster.co.

Lost & Found

  • Children have a tendency to lose their items in school. They lose compass boxes, stationery, sweaters, bags, sports equipment, and many small items. If the children are encouraged to deposit items they find on school grounds at the lost and found station at school, wastage will be reduced.
  • Children at school should put their names on their items by labeling their items with their names. If people find their items in the lost and found the station at school, there will be less wastage on school property.


  • Children should be taught the benefits of composting. Leftover food items in the cafeteria, food trash on school grounds like banana peels, apple cores, half-eaten sandwiches, and other types of food wastage can be collected and can be used in composting.
  • Composting is putting nutrients in food back into the soil to create fertile soil. Children can be taught composting and also they can be taught how to grow plants and crops on school grounds using this composting material. This avoids waste and also helps children learn about farming.

Paper & Plastic

  • Reducing the use of plastic is an important way in which waste can be avoided. Plastic is used on a large scale in many schools. Banning throwaway plastic on school ground or reducing the use of plastic bags, wraps, and small plastic stationery items is a great way to avoid wastage.
  • A lot of paper is used in schools. Schools should create a management committee that includes teachers and students that can find ways and means to limit the unnecessary use of paper in schools to avoid wastage.


Wastage not just harms the environment but also makes school life more expensive for students as well as for school managements all over the world. The above-mentioned ways are ideal options to use to reduce the waste in school. By using the above- mentioned ways, children learn how to reduce waste in their schools and in their lives, making them more responsible citizens of the future.


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