Mastering DIY: How to Avoid Home Improvement Fails

Mastering DIY: How to Avoid Home Improvement Fails

Last Updated on November 1, 2018

When we set about achieving a DIY home project, often the reality is not quite a pleasurable as you had imagined.  Regardless of experience, it’s easy to lose momentum and take short cuts so you can get to your desired outcome quickly.

This is where things can go a little wrong and your DIY projects fail to achieve your expectations, either aesthetically or practically speaking.

Thankfully, there are approaches you can take which will provide a much higher chance of you not only accomplishing your home improvement projects but also enjoying your time spent doing it! Yes, it is possible!

Doing something right the first time, also has the added bonus of saving you heaps of time and money in the long run. So, if you’re serious about avoiding DIY disasters, you’ll do well to heed this advice.

Prep Like a Pro

If there is one single most important piece of advice you can take on board, it is to do all the necessary preparation work, whether that be sanding your walls ready for your new colour scheme or accurately measuring your door frame for your new doors.

Skipping or rushing important preparations will likely result in your ideal DIY project outcome falling below your expectations in terms of quality and in many circumstances, it can turn out to be quite costly to rectify.

Regardless of the project, take time before you even begin to fully research the steps you need to fulfil to achieve a quality result. You’ll be thankful you did, when you admire your handy work.

All in Good Time

Spending some time planning out a realistic project timeline will do wonders for helping you to keep on track. It will also help you avoid the need for rushing important parts and keep your allocated time focused. After all, if you don’t have a deadline, you’ll likely find an excuse not to do it and risk never completing what you set out to achieve.

Whether its revamping one room or an entire house, break down each project into smaller goals with tangible outcomes so you can feel accomplished as you work your way through each one. Without this approach, it can be easy to lose momentum and begin to feel overwhelmed or frustrated.

Right Resources

The tools and materials you use to achieve your work are just as important as your approach. Using the wrong ones for the job is a risk that can potentially derail your progress in terms of quality, time and of course money!

Having the correct tools, equipment and materials to deliver effective results is imperative if you really want to avoid a home improvement fail. If the experts say you need to use a primer for durability, listen to them! If you don’t, you’ll just end up with peeling paintwork and needing to do it all over again.

So, do your research and invest in the materials that will best suit the job and in doing so you’ll also save yourself a lot of unnecessary stress.

Perfectly Imperfect

Our expectations can be our own worst enemy at the best of times. Whilst there is nothing wrong with being optimistic and hoping to achieve a positive outcome, striving for perfection is not the ideal scenario and if you do, don’t be surprised if you find yourself feeling very disappointed when

Yes, of course you don’t want a home improvement fail but just because it is not perfect, doesn’t mean it’s a failure. In fact, having a few quirks in your DIY project actually makes it more unique!

 If you want to keep improving as a seasoned DIYer, by all means look at any areas where you can improve next time. However, be sure to observe your finished work through eyes of accomplishment rather than self-criticism.


Learn from the best by following DIY gurus, reading blogs, books, guides and watching videos. Through absorbing expert knowledge, you’ll be well on your way to becoming an expert yourself in no time at all. Isn’t it so much easier when we know how? Much like learning to walk, riding a bike or driving a car, it took time, patience, practice and determination…all things in time.

See each project you achieve as a learning and growing of your skills, so make sure you keep finding new projects to practice and hone your approach. And, above all else, have some fun whilst your doing it and enjoy the fruits of your labour before charging onto the next project.