Last Updated on May 8, 2020
The pumpkin spice lattes are on sale and the temperatures are dropping; fall is here! And as the weeks and days go on, depending on where in the country you live, it is only going to get cooler and cooler. If you live in a place that experiences freezing temperatures, it is a good idea to take a look at your home and make sure that it is going to hold up to the freeze and keep working as it should over the fall and winter. The reason being, in fall and winter, the leaves fall and can clog drains, as well as water freezing in pipes and causing leaks. And when things like this happens, it can cost a whole lot of money to repair.
So with all of that in mind, here are some of the things that you could start looking at in your home this fall, so that it doesn’t impact the running of things too much. Where will you start first?
- The windows can let in a lot of draughts if they aren’t sealed well and if they have any cracks in them. And when there are cracks, it lets the warm air out, the cold air in, and generally makes your home hard to heat. So to save money on your heating bills, as well as making sure that your home stays warm over fall and winter, it is a great idea to check all your windows. Small cracks in the caulk could be easily repaired yourself, but larger issues could mean replacements are needed.
- There are so many things that can lead to leaks around the home. For starters, the drains that you have can cause blockages and leaks at this time of year. So having them checked is a good idea. It can also be worth looking into air conditioning repair, simply because if there are issues, it can also cause leaks. You’re likely to not be needing it too much over the season, but any issues left until it gets warm again can be costly.
- If you don’t already have a carbon monoxide alarm or monitor in your home, then now is the time to get one installed; it can be a matter of life or death. Because you are using so much more energy in the home over the months of fall and winter, it can be the prime time for carbon monoxide related incidents to occur. It can be a pretty inexpensive thing but can make such a big difference, especially if you did end up with an issue; it can be a silent killer.
- The cold weather brings frost, freezing temperatures, and even storms. And if you have any issues with the exterior of your home, then it can mean your home becomes quite cold, as well as getting damp as water and moisture can leak in. So looking out for cracks in the exterior of your home is something to do at this time of year. It is also a good idea to check the roof as well. Loose tiles can mean leaks and damp, but it should be repaired before it becomes too much of an issue.
- If you have an outdoor space, then don’t forget about that in the winter months. It will need some care to make sure it is in good repair and prolong the life of it all. For starters, packing things like BBQs and furniture away, or covering them up with a proper cover, can be a great way to make them last longer. It can avoid them getting wet, damp, and rusty. The same goes for things like garden tools and garden toys (if you’ve got children, for example). Check the lawn too, as you want to make sure that it will be able to cope with extra water from the snow or rain.
- On a similar note, you should look at trees that you have in your yard and around the house. Winter and fall bring temperatures down, and it can lead to plenty of snow in some areas. If the trees are overgrown, too much snow can cause them to fall over or bend. And if they are close to your home or car, it can have devastating consequences. So trimming them back can be a really good thing to do (and save you a lot of time and hassle in the long run). You can get plenty of stormy weather at this time of year too, so it can prevent them being blown over and causing damage if they are trimmed back.
- You may not have put your heating on yet. And if you haven’t, then it is a good idea to put it on for a short while, even if it is just half an hour or so. The reason being is that you will quickly be able to identify if there are any issues with your heating system or not. You are likely to not have had it on for months, so you need to check that things are working well, before it becomes something that goes on regularly over the next few weeks. You’ve got time to get things repaired if needed.
- The next point is a home repair point as such. But it is all about having enough to help got you through the winter. Have you got a snow shovel or rock salt to put on your steps or driveway, for instance? If you already have these kind of items in your home, then spending some time to check the quality of them and to check if they will need to be repaired or not.
What are you most looking forward to this fall? When your home is in order, then it can make it a much more enjoyable time, as you won’t have the added stress of home repairs. It would be great to hear what you think and if there is anything else that you would add to the list.