Last Updated on September 5, 2018
The world is filled with a wide variety of ups and downs. This goes for life both emotionally and economically. May people have been hitting economic hard times recently. These economic conundrums may seem impossible to get out of. Everything in life costs some amount of money.
For these people who have encountered hard times, it may begin to feel that every time that almost get back up they are knocked back down by another surprise payment or economic crisis. From this incredibly defeated state, it may seem that these people are at an absolute loss with no hope for an economic recovery.
They are not. It is more than possible for a person to get back onto their feet after suffering from a financial emergency. While it may be a trying time, many people have done it before which means that it can be done. It involves a variety of different tips and tricks.
Cut Out Any Excess Costs
Many people are continuously spending money on things that they either do not need or they are not aware that they are spending money on. If a person really combs through all of their various finances, they will be able to find the points where they are throwing money away on services that they ultimately do not need.
If this extra money is taken and saved, it will slowly but surely accumulate over time into a useful and helpful nest. By cutting out even one or two of these excess payments, a person will have taken major strides to eventually be back in a place of more comfortable economic security.
Transunion Dispute Letter
One major facet of difficult economic times is an incredibly low credit score. With a very low credit score, it is unlikely that a person will be able to take out loans to cover other major payments while they are in a time of economic turmoil.
However, if this economic turmoil is a unique situation and the person believes that, based on their entire economic past, their credit score deserves to be higher, they can write a transunion dispute letter. This is a letter which argues for a higher credit score for an individual.
If a person is in a time of economic crisis, but, through a transunion dispute letter, is able to combat an aggressively low credit score, they have already taken a step out of the realm of financial defeat. With a slightly higher credit score, they may be able to apply for loans. This will allow an individual the ability to cover some of the other payments for the time being until they regain their economic footing.
Create a Separate Bank Account
This is more of a slow-moving solution, but it is one that will ultimately prove effective over time if it is diligently adhered to. A person in a time of economic crisis should open a second bank account at another bank. In this account, the person should put all of the change from every purchase that they make. All or any extra money should go into this account.
The absolute best method is to determine a separate form of making money that funnels money into this specific account. This account should not be touched for any reason for many months. Other than putting money into it, it should ultimately be forgotten about.
If the individual in the time of economic crisis sticks to this plan, a few months down the line they will have accumulated enough money to raise themselves slightly higher out of the economic turmoil that they are in. They will have the money to potentially pay some bills, pay off some loans, or quickly cover the next economically depleting surprise that hits.
Change Health Insurance Providers
While health insurance is a critically important service in society, it is important that an individual, especially one that not have money to spare, is not wasting money on an elaborate health insurance plan that they are not using.
There are a wide variety of health insurance plans that offer a wide variety of discounts based on religion, gender, ethnic background, and more. While these plans may not be the most all-encompassing, they will be able to cover the necessary health needs of an individual at a lower cost.
When the individual has finally regained their economic footing, they will be able to return to their old health insurance plan. For the time being, however, it is the most economically efficient to switch to a plan that covers the bare necessities that serve your immediate or soon to be immediate health needs.