5 Things to Remember After Moving Into a New Home

5 Things to Remember After Moving Into a New Home
5 Things to Remember After Moving Into a New Home

Purchasing or renting a new home can bring about many changes. Your neighbours will be different, your commute will change and many of things you grew used to will be totally different. However, moving is a perfectly normal thing to do. As human creatures, we’re curious and we’re explorers, which is why we love to go on holiday and it’s why we’re so good at spreading our wings to traverse the world. Sadly, many of us are far too overzealous when we move and we forget some of the most basic things to keep in mind when moving home. To help you out, here are five of the most important points to remember after you’ve moved into a new home.

5 Things to Remember After Moving Into a New Home

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Update your addresses

If you haven’t already, go through all of your most commonly used services and utilities to update your address. Whether it’s your Amazon delivery address, the address for your phone bills or even the auto-fill addresses in your internet browser, make sure you update every single one so that you don’t make the mistake of accidentally sending something important to your previous home. This sounds simple, but it’s often overlooked because moving isn’t something we do every day and there may be a couple of websites or services that you forget to change your address on.

Create spare keys

Remember to get in touch with a local locksmith to create a few copies of your new keys for family members. If you used to have a spare, then make sure you get an extra set done as well in case you need it for a relative or emergency. Most people forget that they need an entirely new set of keys on their keyring, and you might even forget to hand back the old key to your landlord.

Unpack and check all of your boxes

Although moving services are reliable these days, there’s no saying what could happen if you use a random moving service that doesn’t have a solid reputation. Ensure that all of your belongings are in their boxes by unpacking them on the day you move to inspect there has been no sign of tampering and that none of your items are missing. It’s a tedious task, but it’s important to double check that your belongings arrived at your new home in one piece.

5 Things to Remember After Moving Into a New Home

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Cut utilities in your previous home

Once you move into your new home, you should remember to cut all of the utilities and bills from your old property. While this might sound obvious, you may want to actually keep them running if you technically still own the home and want to leave it as a secondary property. However, if you’ve completely moved out and sold your previous home, then remember to cut all of the utilities and services.

Get to know the neighbours

Lastly, try and get to know your neighbours. It sounds cliche, but learning to love your neighbours will make things easier in the future. You’ll be able to converse naturally, you’ll probably make new friends and it’s easier to settle into the local community when you know the people around you.


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