Freshen Up Your Bedroom With Some Cheap Updates

mattress bed bedroom spice up

Last Updated on September 20, 2017


Is your bedroom looking a little tired? Not to worry. There are plenty of things that you can do to update it and freshen it up. Here are some ideas for what to do.

Add A Slice Of Color

Nothing is worse than walking into a bedroom and for every element to be plain, neutral and, frankly, dull. The good news is that adding a splash of color is easy and cheap. You could add a burst of color anywhere, from the throw on the bed to cushions on the chairs to a bright green houseplant on your bedside table.

Use Accent Pillows

pillows bedroom spice up


If you want to quickly change the personality of a room, there’s nothing that does the job quicker than accent pillows. Though they’re not always the most practical, they are an excellent way to make your room look more inviting and brighter. Pillows instantly update a room without you having to go to the store for a new duvet and sheets, by adding volume, texture, and color to sorry-looking rooms.

Choose around five pillows of different sizes, but with similar-themed colors and patterns and place them at the head of your bed.

Grab Some New Bedding

bedroom spice up with pillows on bed


The way we react to our bedrooms isn’t just determined by how they look: it’s also related to how they feel. If you‘ve been using the same mattress for the last five years, there’s a good chance that it’s lost some of its springiness. And that can make you feel a little uncomfortable at night. According to, choosing a new mattress can be difficult, but it’s worth it for the comfort factor. Also, change your duvet every season, and add extra quilts in the winter for added bulk.

Surround Yourself With Personalized Art

Many people think that artwork is something that should be reserved for the public space in your home. But it’s also something which is ideal for the private spaces too.

Because artwork in the bedroom is so private, it can be highly personalized. Many people choose to display photos of people they love in decorative frames above the dresser.

Try out different combinations of artwork on the wall to see which work best. In the bedroom, you can afford to be eclectic. Different shapes and sizes of framework really well, especially if they have a common theme. Black and white photographs are particularly effective and can be easily drawn together.

Add Panelling

Wood paneling might sound expensive, and it can be. But paneling just a small extension of your bedroom wall can have a dramatic effect.

Most designers recommend that people add paneling to a single wall of their bedroom, usually the wall directly behind the bed headrest. You can leave the wood bare, or you can wallpaper it in a unique style to contrast with the painted walls in the rest of the room.

Add Drapes For Formal Swag

If you want your bedroom to look a bit more formal, try adding drapes. Drapes are best for classic rooms says, while blinds are better for contemporary interiors.