Halloween Chalkboard Pumpkin

halloween chaulkboard pumpkin

Last Updated on November 11, 2014

Halloween Chalkboard Pumpkin was one of my favorite crafts to make this season. This was the first time I used chalkboard paint, and will not be the last. I am hooked on how much fun it is! It was applied like normal paint and dries in a minimal amount of time. Applying the chalk was so easy too! It wipes right off with a paper towel if needed and does not wear off once applied on the pumpkin.

This is an ideal craft to get the whole family involved, especially the kids! I had so much fun improvising and painting whatever I felt like on the pumpkin. It took minimal time to make and makes for the perfect Halloween decor!

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Supplies: Chalk, Foam Brush, Orange & Black multi-surface paint, white craft pumpkin, Black chalkboard paint.

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Tape off an area on flattest side of pumpkin to create label. (I eye-balled this and did not use tape, so the option is up to you).

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Apply several coats of black chalkboard paint with foam brush, allowing time to dry between coats.

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 presetCreate a dot boarder by dipping small paintbrush into multi-surface orange paint and apply dots.

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 presetUse small brush to paint free-hand designs, scrolls, or flourishes around label using the multi-surface black paint

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Allow the paint to fully dry.


Once the chalkboard paint is dry, write “BOO” or whatever you wish on the label.

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Condition chalkboard by rubbing side of chalk over surface and wipe with soft cloth or paper towel. Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset

This is the perfect decoration that can be displayed anywhere in the home. Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset

This is such a fun craft that is kid friendly and the whole family can enjoy! Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset


  • White crafting pumpkin
  • White (or colored) chalk
  • Chalkboard Paint
  • Foam Paintbrush
  • Small Paintbrush
  • Orange multi-surface paint
  • Black multi-surface paint
  • Tape (optional)
  • Paper towels
  • Paper plates

How To Make:

  1. Use small brush to paint free-hand designs, scrolls, or flourishes around label using the multi-surface black paint.
  2. Create dot boarder by dipping small paintbrush into multi-surface orange paint and apply dots.
  3. Apply several coats of black chalkboard paint with foam brush, allowing time to dry between coats.
  4. Tape off an area on flattest side of pumpkin to create label. (I eye-balled this and did not use tape, so the option is up to you).
  5. Once the chalkboard paint is dry, write “BOO” or whatever you wish on the label.
  • Tip: Condition chalkboard by rubbing side of chalk over surface and wipe with soft cloth or paper towel.