DIY Ticket Shadow Box


Last Updated on July 16, 2020


I am a collector of tickets. Since I was little, I would save my movie tickets and end up having a drawer full of them. I have yet to grow out of that habit and still collect tickets from events I attend. I got to the point where I needed to organize them but had no idea how to do so. I then found a creative and fun way to store my tickets while allowing them to be displayed at the same time.

I found a shadowbox at Michael’s craft store with a hole on top and decided I would create a ticket stub shadowbox. I had so much fun making this! It was cheap, easy, and took minimal time. I had all supplies at home, and used leftover cardstock and stickers from previous projects.

I made this for a gift and gave it to my spouse. He loved it and every-time after we attend an event, we rush to the ticket-box and drop our tickets in together!

Supplies: Shadow-box (with slit on top), Cardstock / Scrapbook paper, Letter stickers, Glue-gun

Make an “Admit One” sign using stickers and cardstock.

Use the glue-gun to stick the cardstock onto the back of the frame of the shadow-box.

Glue the “Admit One” sign to the cardstock. Let dry. Place the frame into the shadowbox. Drop tickets into the shadowbox.

Enjoy looking at your memories!


  • Shadow-box (with slit on top)
  • Cardstock / Scrapbook paper
  • Letter stickers
  • Glue-gun

How To Make:

  1. Cut the cardstock paper into the shape of the shadow-box.
  2. Use the glue-gun to stick the cardstock onto the back of the frame of the shadow-box.
  3. Make an “Admit One” sign using stickers and cardstock.
  4. Glue the “Admit One” sign to the cardstock and allow to dry.
  5. Place the frame into the shadowbox.
  6. Drop tickets into the shadowbox and enjoy looking at your memories!