The A-Z Guide to Breast Lift Surgery (Mastopexy)

breast augmentation in white woman

Aging, pregnancy and weight loss are three factors that affect the firmness of breasts and their shape. During pregnancy, the glands of the breast enlarge to make way for the production of milk. When weight gain occurs, the fatty tissues also increase. If you are a breastfeeding mom, you will see that your breasts constantly fill and deflate, eventually affecting the tissues of your breast leading to sagging and causes stretch marks on the skin.

If you are more concerned about the appearance of your sagging breasts, Mastopexy or breast Augmentation in Atlanta is a surgical procedure you may want to consider. Rest assured that you aren’t alone! Mastopexy is a procedure that most women request after pregnancy and weight loss. Surgeons perform this surgery to contour the shape of the breasts and help restore your figure to its old appearance. If a breast lift is what you wish to consider, then here’s an A-Z guide for you.

What is a Breast Lift?

A breast lift is a procedure that repositions the breasts at a higher level on the body. Some of the sagging skin is removed, while the breast nipples and tissues are adjusted higher up than they exist. This surgical procedure also helps to firm the breasts and restore its natural look. Sometimes, following a breast lift, patients who visit Crispin Plastic Surgery consider breast augmentation, which involves the addition of implants to add fullness (increase the size) to breasts.

Who is the Right Candidate?

If you wish to enhance the contour of your breasts, then breast lift surgery is suitable for you. It lifts the nipple-areola complex to lift the entire breast. If you become pregnant or gain excessive weight, you may need to consider a revision Mastopexy. Sometimes, loss of breast skin or elasticity can also contribute to the earlier need for revisionary surgery. During the consultation, your surgeon would measure you and show how much lift you will require.

The Surgical Procedure

During the surgery, your surgeon would make several varying cuts on your breasts, depending on the technique. Your surgeon would then remove the skin from around the nipple/areola/under your breasts. This is necessary as it helps to reposition the nipples and reduce the size of the areola to suit the new shape. The breast lift often involves the excision of the skin to tighten the skin envelope. This makes your breast look lifted up, and loose its saggy appearance.

What to Expect Post Operation

Post operation, it is necessary to wear supportive undergarments to help the healing process of the breasts, reduce swelling and help in draining excess fluid. From patient to patient, the recovery time varies but you may have to take at least ten days off from work. After about four weeks, you can return back to your normal routine. Swelling and bruising, however, will remain for about six weeks while the complete healing process can take up to a year.

The recovery period of breast lifts isn’t a painful one. However, the pain level can increase if the lift and implants are both combined, especially the ones under the chest muscle. After the surgery, visible scarring of the incisions is normal. Although the scarring will fade, it will remain somewhat visible. After a few days, the swelling reduces and your breasts will take their new, firmer and higher shape.

Does Mastopexy Have Side Effect/Risks?

You should know that the combination of breast lift and breast augmentation surgery differs from the breast augmentation surgery alone. In this case, the risks attached are slightly more than the ones compared to mastopexy or breast augmentation performed separately. In addition, the need for revisionary surgery increases with both surgical procedures done at the same time.

Sometimes, this is where potential complications and potential risks may occur. The mastopexy procedure and breast augmentation by definition are both different. This makes other factors like incisions and blood flow important areas to consider. When performed together, these procedures carry an increased risk of complications and the need for further surgery. Some of the complications you may encounter include:

  • Implant exposure
  • Increased risks of infections
  • Inability to breastfeed
  • Breast asymmetry
  • Wrong positioning of breast implants
  • Loss of nipple sensation
  • Tissue necrosis
  • Wound healing problems
  • Loss of blood supply to the areola and nipple complex

In any of the complications mentioned above, the need to seek further surgery or medical attention is imperative. They also increase the chances of revisionary surgeries, so make sure that you address any problem immediately to your surgeon.

A breast lift can be the right surgical procedure for you, provided you consult the right surgeon for it. Take your time to address the problem and search the best plastic surgeons in your area. Also, carry out a thorough research of your own and learn about all the risks and possible complications.


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