Length Matters: Should You Choose Mini or Maxi for Homecoming?

Length Matters: Should You Choose Mini or Maxi for Homecoming?
Length Matters: Should You Choose Mini or Maxi for Homecoming?

The concept of homecoming is decidedly an American one, and it is a tradition celebrated at both high school and college levels. University-level planning for homecoming are focused on the big game, corresponding tail-gate parties and designated drivers, high school homecoming is a more evenly balanced mesh of homecoming football game (either the first or last home-game of the season) and the homecoming festivities or dance. Many schools feature a homecoming court, the origins of the iconic title of “homecoming queen.”

homecoming black dress

Another popular element of homecoming involves the actual verbiage of “homecoming,” meaning that previous homecoming courts may show up to wave at the stands and alumni attend the game and, if they have them, festivities, festivals, parades and events. It’s a time to catch up with old friends, either those recent or from long ago. If you’re curious about the origins of homecoming, that information is available and can be read online.

There will be two times in what is generally a student’s senior year (but other schools may extend the honor of attendance to games to freshmen, sophomores and juniors) in which choosing a formal dress or gown will have special relevance. Those two iconic high school experiences include homecoming and prom. And most girls are going to want to wear something flattering and fascinating. They also often want to stick to a budget and to pay for anything “up front”, not wanting to incur any credit fees.

homecoming polka dot prom dress

Luckily, PromDressShop.com has homecoming dresses for sale. Imagine the opportunity to not only wear a gorgeous dress – whether you choose a long, cocktail or mini dress length – you might be able to easily afford, as well as wear again!

Traditionally, teenage girls choose their own dress length, unless they’re on the homecoming court and there is a school requirement or rule on a specific length, and by this, we mean the queen and princesses must wear the same length dress (and most often, this choice means a young lady will opt for a mini or cocktail length for homecoming and maxi- or full-length dress for prom).

Here are things to think about when deciding on dress length:

Know Your Schools Rules.

Do not, whatever you do, dismiss your school’s code of ethics and dress code when choosing a homecoming dress. Sure, you may (or even likely) have a school that gives you a lot of leeway and would actually never turn you away from the dance floor door, but are you sure? You have to be sure, because there are many reports (check them out online) of prom monitors/prom police/prom chaperones going hard-core and turning away young women who violate the dress code. Homecoming also has its own “dress code police” who might turn you away. To add salt to the wounds, the price of admission is not refunded. If you are aware of your school rules, it will make things much easier in the long run. Even the young lady who purchases her dress way ahead of time, then learns a week or more before the dance that there are unacceptable elements to her dress, will need to either return or alter it to suit. You will be better served to choose a dress that meets the rules.

Know yourself.

Are you more of a traditional girl or are you modern and lively? Classic formal most often means a full length dress or skirt. You also have the choice of a wide, full skirt or a more fitted one, or a more A-line dress.

If you’re a more playful girl, a mini or knee-length dress may be appropriate for both your personality, as well as the social dress climate.

homecoming mini blue dress

I hope that this article has helped you decide on whether you should wear a mini or maxi dress for homecoming. If you have more questions, don’t hesitate to drop it in the comments section.


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