How the ‘Aesthetic Hair Implants – AHI’ Transplant Technique has made Transplantation Treatment Better

How the ‘Aesthetic Hair Implants - AHI’ Transplant Technique has made Transplantation Treatment Better


The hair transplant industry has seen a progressive growth in the past few years, and as a result, a number of procedures have emerged, promising patients effective and painless hair restoration treatments. Thinning of hair or baldness can start as early as the age of 25, and can have a direct impact on a person’s social life and self-confidence. According to the industry statistics published by the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS), the number of hair transplant surgeries considerably increased by 76% from 2006 to 2014. This is partly because of the accessibility of hair transplant procedures to the public, and partly because of the awareness among people that hair transplants offer a permanent solution to hair loss problems.

While methods like Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT), and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) are quite popular amongst hair restoration surgeons, the Aesthetic Hair Implants (AHI) method of hair transplantation is also garnering much attention. It combines the approaches of the FUE and FUT transplant methods to deliver a hair transplant system that provides a cost-effective, painless hair restoration service to patients. This is what makes AHI different from other hair restoration procedures :

What is AHI:

Developed by the Ailesbury Hair Clinic, Dublin, AHI (Aesthetic Hair Implants) is a non-surgical hair restoration procedure that is based on the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) method. While FUE has been in use internationally since the past fifteen years, the AHI variation of this procedure makes use of a specially designed implantation pen to place hair follicles at a precise angle and direction. This leads on to deliver a hairline that follows the natural course of growth.

In this procedure, the surgeons need not use scalpels, sutures, or surgical strips for extraction, and renders the entire process as minimally invasive. Furthermore, unlike other methods of hair restoration, the AHI does not involve the use of blades, thus contributing to making it a scar-free treatment. For these reasons, the AHI method has emerged as an award-winning technique that offers hair loss solutions to men and women without any linear scarring.

What makes AHI different from other methods:

Improved Technique:

The Aesthetic Hair Implants technique gives flawless results and has successfully redefined the hair transplant treatment through its advancements in hair follicle extraction and implantation. It can place up to 3,000 to 5,000 hairs in a single sitting; hence, unlike the traditional FUE method which may demand multiple sessions, the AHI procedure is executable in a single day. The system makes use of a patented mechanized extractor with minute punch-grafts of 0.5-0.8 mm diameter. These punch diameters are much smaller than the conventional FUE techniques, thus leaving a minimum or zero scopes of scarring.

Minimal aftercare:

Not only does the AHI procedure cause minimum scarring, but it is highly efficient and precise as well, and thus speeds up the hair transplantation process. As a result, the donor area heals quickly, leaving behind extraction marks that are barely visible. Hence, patients need not be hospitalized, and the procedure requires minimal aftercare.

Natural looking hair:

For a hair transplant procedure to give good end-results, it is essential to have a higher per square meter density placement. As opposed to 30-35 grafts per square centimeter in the FUE transplant method, the AHI technique implants approximately 60-70 hairs per square centimeter, thus giving patients a more uniform and natural look. Furthermore, while the FUE hair transplants may take anywhere from 9 to 12 months to show signs of regular regrowth, the hairs implanted through the AHI method start growing after three months at the rate of ½ cm/month.


The AHI transplant method requires no medicines to maintain the growth of the hair, and the roots of the restored hair behave in the same manner as the hair from other donor areas. Not only do the AHI hair implants have a higher survival rate as compared to other transplant methods, but the transplanted hair can be cut/trimmed/colored/maintained regularly after their initial growth. The recovery time is relatively short, and the patients can resume their normal day-to-day activities within two-three days of the procedure.


Compared to the overall costs of other transplant procedures, the supplementary costs associated with the AHI technique are considerably reduced, and thus proves more lucrative for patients. Since the method requires no hospitalization and post-operative medicine, the patients save a lot on accommodation and post-operative care. Furthermore, the AHI procedure also offers fewer side effects. The treatment causes minimal bleeding and threats of infection, and since the implantation is performed using punches of minute diameter, the probability of cyst formation is considerably lower.

Recent hair transplant techniques have evolved significantly to provide patients with all kinds of solutions to their hair loss problems. Hair transplants through the AHI transplant method are entirely safe and natural and require no special chemicals or medications that might pose damage to the hair. Whether looking for a hair transplant in Delhi or any other such destination, it is essential for patients to contact a trichologist who will tell them which procedure would best serve their purpose.


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