Hooks for Writing an Essay about World War I

Essay about World War I

You cannot avoid two things: death and writing if you are a student. Students must create many various assignments in a written form. It is natural that the topics of academic papers may be different: some of them may be funny, others will touch upon serious issues. One of such issues is the First World War, which was one of the biggest conflicts of the last century. All in all, if you have a task to compose an essay devoted to this topic, you should know how to make it interesting for your audience. The best way to brighten up a composition is to use different attention grabbers.

Interesting Methods to Grab Readers’ Attention

So, how to grip the audience from the first lines? Here are several most effective methods to do it quickly.

  1. Interesting facts. Using interesting facts can help you to make a good beginning of the text. Don’t forget to keep in mind the readers because you must use some details unknown to them, for instance:
  • Post-war German bicycles had tires made of… springs. It happened so because there was no rubber in Germany after the war.
  • During British-German confrontation, one British soldier spared a wounded German infantryman. Later it turned out that this man was… Adolf Hitler.
  • The American transfusiologist, doctor Oswald Robertson, discovered the method of stopping blood coagulation. He used sodium citrate for this purpose. He transfused blood to injured soldiers with the help of a mobile blood transfusion station. Later, in 1917, he opened the first blood establishment on the Western front.
  • A surgeon Harold Gillies created the first technique of facial reconstruction to help soldiers remove scars from their faces. So, it can be said that World War I was the engine for development of medical industry in general and plastic surgery in particular.

Did you know about it? If not, you can easily include these things or any other interesting points into your introduction.

  1. Quotes from literature and songs. It is possible to include different quotes from literary sources, like the next one:
  • “Keep the home fires burning” is the line from a patriotic song of the war period. This song was very popular among English troops because it reflected their melancholy about families.

It is possible to provide readers with such quotations to initiate their detailed discussion then.

  1. Quotes of famous people. It is also suitable to use citations of the people involved in this conflict:
    • John J. Pershing, the commander of the American Expeditionary Force on the Western Front, told that no commander ever derived greater inspiration from the performance of his troops like he did.
  2. Various means of expressiveness. It is suitable to use different figures of speech, for example, similes, to describe what the war was like: like a graveyard, tornado, outburst of hatred, etc. It will help to make your creation unusual.

If you have troubles with creativity and don’t know how to make your essay concerning the international conflict brighter, you always can hire online writers who are able to describe military operations in a very captivating manner. Custom essay is one the most effective ways to receive A+ for your essay


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