A Car, A Pet or A Carpet?

Carpet pulled up from wooden floor


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There are some things in your home that take a lot of saving up for, a lot of deliberating over and as such will give you a lot of wear out of them. That’s a lot of lots.

Carpets are just one of those things. When looked after correctly, carpets can last for quite a while – most manufacturers had a recommended lifespan of 10 years with proper care. But how do you know when the right time is, and what to go for? What will suit your home, your lifestyle and your budget?

Check to see if your carpet can be revived

If it’s just a case of your carpet being a bit dirty in places, this can usually be rectified with a good clean. Steam carpet cleaners can be hired from quite a variety of places, and it’s worth checking them out online to see where your nearest stockist is. Ask around – it may be that your neighbour has one stashed away ready to be used as and when. Focus on the patches that really need attention and watch the grime come away in front of your eyes!

It’s beyond repair…

If you really, really need to replace your carpet, have a think about how much you can afford. Carpet isn’t cheap, and you may want to shop around for the best deal that you can get – but you may be caught out when buying different bits from different stores. You could buy the entire house carpets from Online Carpet Sale, for a quick example, and this could save you money in the long run due to the sheer amount bought – if you are buying in lesser quantities from a variety of places, they are unlikely to budge on price and offer you a deal.

Carpet with pet dog laying on it

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Stick with what’s good for you

There are some factors when buying a carpet that are hard to ignore or dismiss. When you are spending that amount of money on a product, you need to take into consideration kids, pets, the amount of traffic a certain room gets – and that’s just the practical stuff. Make sure that you stick with a carpet that you know will see you through; if you have children, one that is comfortable for them but also easy to clean is a must (spill-resistant and scotch-guarded carpets are both available), think about how much hair a carpet will retain from your pets if thinking about buying a luxury high-pile, and if people are going to be walking in and out of a certain room all day then it makes sense to keep the carpet on the cheap side so you yourself are not disappointed when it started to wear down.

As for colours and patterns – go with what you know you won’t be bored of or find distasteful within the next 10 years. As long as you know that you can stick with your carpet for that amount of time, you can be sure that your carpet will stick with you and see you through.


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