Easy Tips to Improve Your Home’s Energy Efficiency Before the Summer

Easy Tips to Improve Your Home's Energy Efficiency Before the Summer

If you are a homeowner, and would like your family to become greener, there are several things you can take care of this spring that will help you save on your bills and use less energy throughout the year. From making sure that you are not wasting energy, to improving your heating and air conditioning system, there are several ways you and your family can do more to protect the environment.

Natural Light and Shading

Easy Tips to Improve Your Home's Energy Efficiency Before the Summer

Image via Wikimedia Commons

You might not think about shading and light as a way of controlling the temperature in your home, but it is. If you are able to get the sunshine during the day, it could heat up your living room, and help you save on your heating bill. Increasing the amount of natural light can be beneficial. If you don’t want more windows, you can get insulated glass bricks installed over the door, or on the ceiling. At the same time, you can keep your home cool in the summer months by adding smart shading solutions and keeping curtains, blinds, and rollers closed during the day.

Electricity Timers

If you are not home during the day, there is no need for your TV, WiFi, and other appliances to run on standby. There are several cheap programmable plug switches available that will turn the power off when you are not home. Alternatively, you could install a remote control power switch that will turn off your TV and smart box when you go to bed. You will not only save money, but sleep better as well.

Consider Heat Pumps

When you have to deal with a low efficiency heating and air conditioning system, and are considering your options to get a new one installed, ask an HVAC engineer about heat pumps. They are much greener than traditional heating and refrigerating solutions, and use geothermal energy to keep your home cool or warm.

Smart Thermostats

To avoid heating or cooling your home when you are away, you could invest in a smart thermostat that can be controlled and monitored through your WiFi. You can check the performance of the system remotely, and turn on the system shortly before you arrive back home. When you go on vacation, you can set a minimum heating or air conditioning performance and turn it on the day you arrive. Check out Thermostat Center for suitable solutions. A smart thermostat will help you keep an eye on your energy use and bills.


Easy Tips to Improve Your Home's Energy Efficiency Before the Summer

Image via Andrey Yachmenov

It is also important that you pay attention to the structural issues of your home. If you have single pane windows, you might want to upgrade them to more energy-efficient ones. Reduce energy waste in your home through insulation. Get your attic professionally insulated, so you don’t lose heat in the winter, and don’t have to cool your loft space in the summer.

There are several ways you can improve the energy performance of your home, and save money on your heating, electricity, and air conditioning bills. Consult with an energy saving assessor, and implement some changes that will benefit you and the environment, too.


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