3 Simple Tips to Create Photo Slideshows That Stand Out

3 Simple Tips to Create Photo Slideshows That Stand Out

As much as photo slideshows can be an effective way to deliver information, all too often they end up looking boring and generic. That is something that you’ll want to avoid, and as far as possible you should try to make sure your slideshows stand out so that they can grab the attention of your audience and keep them interested.

While that may not sound easy, there are actually three simple tips that could help make it possible:

  • More visuals, less text

The effectiveness of photo slideshows at delivering information is largely because they can do so visually – and that is something that you should double down on. Creating photo slideshows that visually represent the points and messages that you’re putting across will make them stand out more, and more likely to engage the audience.

That emphasis on visuals should also mean that you include less text. In fact nowadays it is recommended that each slide should contain six words – at most.

  • Find the right colors

Colors are extremely important in photo slideshows, as they can portray a particular emotional vibe. While it is true that photos tend to have a wide palette of colors, you should try to select photos that predominantly fit into a certain palette that is in line with the vibe you want to put across.

By using colors in this way, your photo slideshow should be more visually interesting and able to turn heads. More importantly it will keep the audience interested due to the emotional reaction they may feel in turn.

  • Use music to set the tone

Including background music in a slideshow can make it stand out – provided the music is used to set the tone of the slideshow. The piece that you choose should complement the slideshow and its message, and reflect its mood as well as its pace.

If possible you should try to match the slide duration with the beat of the music. On top of that you should also make sure that the music doesn’t overpower the rest of the slideshow, or interfere with the voiceover narration that may be present.

While all these tips can help, if you want to pull them off and create an impressive slideshow that stands out you’ll need the right software. On that front Movavi Slideshow Maker for Mac can help, as it will give you a set of specialized tools that you can use to create unique and compelling photo slideshows. It even has an ‘Easy mode’ that you can use to quickly come up with slideshow on Mac via a simple 3-step wizard.

Using the features in Movavi Slideshow Maker for Mac will let you add background music, match the tempo with the slide duration, apply artistic filters, insert text elements, enhance the quality of photos, and more. In effect it will let you add a wide range of audiovisual elements and allow you to fully control their appearance so that your slideshow stands out.


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