Tips on Making Sure Your Door Frame is Secure

Tips on Making Sure Your Door Frame is Secure

Any professional Long Island locksmith will tell you that even if you invest in a powerful lock and a strong door, all your efforts will be a waste if you have a flimsy door frame. That’s because gaps on the door frame create an opportunity for burglars to comfortably use a pry bar and force a door open. If your door frame has a gap that is more than 1/16 inch or if your door frame is easy to move by applying pressure on it, reinforcing it now is a smart idea. And, there are many ways of ensuring that your door frame is secure. Here are some of them:

Reinforce the door jambs 

One of the best ways to make sure that your door frame is secure is to reinforce the door jambs. Note that a door jamb is different from a door jammer. A door jamb refers to the vertical part of a door frame. It holds your door in its place. Basically, the door jamb holds up the bulky weight of the door in place. It also allows your door to open and close effectively as long as the other components are functioning properly. Together with the lock, a door jamb is a very important part of the door. It is this part that prevents the door from breaking when hit by a front kick. When the door jamb is stronger, the frame is stronger.

Add connecting materials 

To secure your door frame, add connecting materials to the door jamb. A professional locksmith can add a strip of wood or metal by screwing it deeply into the door frame. This will serve as an additional resistance layer that will minimize the chances of having your door compromised with different methods including employing direct and blunt force.

Secure the hinges 

If the hinges get loose or exposed, they won’t serve their purpose effectively. They will also affect the strength or integrity of the frame and your entire door. In fact, your door will start swinging outwards if hinges are not secured into the frame and the door properly. Additionally, loose hinges can cause cracking of the frame if they are not screwed in promptly. Therefore, check the hinges of your door regularly and screw them into the frame and the door to keep both the frame and the door secure.

Secure the frame on the wall properly

Doing this may require you to remove the interior molding and the trim and insert some wooden blocks at certain points into the gap between the framing of the house wall and the door frame. If this task seems daunting to do, hire a professional locksmith to do it for you.

Generally, these are simple yet effective tips on how to make sure that your door frame is secure. If you have a weak door frame that needs strengthening, it’s important that you hire a professional locksmith to strengthen it for you. That’s because you may not have the necessary skills, equipment, and experience to do the job right.



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