The Steps To Successfully Impress House Guests

House Guests home living room impression

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If you’ve invited a guest or guests into your home, whether they’re staying briefly or for a long-term period, the challenge of impressing them at every turn is likely the only thing on your mind. You want to be the ultimate host, but you also want them to be the happiest guest on earth. You might not care about the state of your house at any other time of year, but as soon as your sibling or close friend comes to stay, you’re a goddess of cleanliness and entertainment.

Still, there might be numerous unanswered variables floating around your head. There’s always the worry that you’ll have forgotten to stock something important or you won’t have cleaned a certain room in the house effectively enough. Of course, guests often aren’t anywhere near as fussed as the host, given that they’re simply grateful for the hospitality, but that won’t stop you worrying. Here are some suggestions to help you go above and beyond to ensure you’ve successfully impressed your house guests.


Above all else, comfort has to be the priority in your home. Guests likely won’t be too fussed about anything else, as long as they have a comfortable bed in which they can sleep every night. Beyond that, the fine details of how you decorate or prepare your house for the imminent stay of a friend or family member is down to your discretion, but there are very few people who will enjoy their stay anywhere if they don’t have a comfortable play to lay their head at night. Being the ultimate host, rather than a good host, might mean coating the bed with extra pillows and blankets, of course.


Whilst this is less of a priority, entertaining your guests is the key to transforming from a good host to an amazing host. Whether you take them out of the house and show them around your town or stay indoors, the ‘wow’ factor has to go into everything you do. Of course, different people have different tastes. Perhaps staying in and playing a fun game of pictionary with family and friends will be enough to give your guest the perfect evening. Still, having endless amounts of content to watch doesn’t hurt either. You could look at some DIRECTV prices, for example, if you want an idea of potential subscription packages out there. The best way to impress a guest is to leave them wanting to return in the future for more. Putting on an array of activities and entertainment is a certain way to achieve that.

House Guests wipe car off with sponge

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You’re probably well ahead of the ball on this one; you might have even ensured your own car is spotless so as not to ruin your house’s curb appeal. You’re not selling it, of course, but if you’re a frantic host then you likely wanted to ensure you created the ideal first impression for your guest. You need to be ensuring that your house doesn’t just look clean, but also tidy. You might not notice the clutter which has become an integral part of your home, but your guest will.

Spare essentials.

We’ve all been there before. We’ve all been the guest who’s forgotten essential toiletries. If you want to leave your guests impressed, prepare with spare towels, toothbrushes and shower essentials so that your friend or loved one won’t feel embarrassed if they do happen to forget something important. Their eyes will tell you how grateful they are that you helped them avoid an awkward situation.


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